
Change of VISA category


I am working as Audit manager in one leading construction company and my VISA category is of Mason .. Now company is seeking change of category of my VISA and asking all my apostille certificates , to avoid fines and penalties to Ministry of Man power .   I would like no whether my company able to change my category to Audit manager or Internal auditor ? , as said clearance of respective  categories only for Omanis and not for Expats ...   Seeking your advise for subject matter  .

See also

General visa requirements for OmanHow to get passport and visa for a newborn in OmanMedical related latest updated requiredWork Visa with Endoresee 2AWant to travel to India from Oman

they can do change for you
visa same what they required
there not like only Omani for that position


SameerKapadia wrote:

I am working as Audit manager in one leading construction company and my VISA category is of Mason .. Now company is seeking change of category of my VISA and asking all my apostille certificates , to avoid fines and penalties to Ministry of Man power .   I would like no whether my company able to change my category to Audit manager or Internal auditor ? , as said clearance of respective  categories only for Omanis and not for Expats ...   Seeking your advise for subject matter  .

Hi SameerKapadia,

If your company can manage to get the labour clearance for the post required, they will be able to change the category.

But if the requested position is fully Omanised, then obviously the request for clearance for that position would be denied.


Thanks for your respond.

Can you just confirm that categories like  Auditor , Accountant , Audit Manager  fully omanisation ?  Your reply will be appreciated


SameerKapadia wrote:

Thanks for your respond.

Can you just confirm that categories like  Auditor , Accountant , Audit Manager  fully omanisation ?  Your reply will be appreciated

Hi SameerKapadia,

Since the Omanisation percentages are amended ever so often, your company PRO would be the best person to guide you on this, since he is the only one who would have access to details and information pertaining to your company's Omanisation percentages and targets.