Are you planning on living in New York City? If so the prices for a flat would be very expensive as would most places around the City itself.
I haven't been to the City in years but from what I hear from friends and reading it would be similar in price to living in England.
I can only talk for the eastern part of the US - but petrol is on the rise - over $3 per US gallon - yes,I know, that's cheap by European standards. But keep in mind that we do not have really good public transportation. Trains - there is AmTrak but you have little choice in where to go and may end up getting your train in the wee hours of the AM and being dropped off at the same time some other day. Do not think of trains here in the way you would in Europe or the UK.
Busses and etc. - we figured it out that in order for a bus ride to be of any savings the price of petrol would have to be above $4.00 US per gallon!
Air flight within the US is very expensive. It's really cheaper to fly from the US to any other country in the world vs. flying from city to city in the US.
Interstate bus service is for those seeking adventure. You will see the real America this way but it takes time and you will see many back roads and probably the back roads of many big cities.
Food is getting more and more expensive each day. Also, utilities are on the rise. If you live in the north of the US you will have to take into account heating in the winter. You have the choice of oil heat, mostly in the New England area and rural areas, gas and electricity in most areas. In the winter we keep our house temp. at 55*F. and still end up with a high gas bill. Electricity in our area is at times even higher for heating.
You will also have to take into account health insurance. If you are being sent to the US by your employer make sure that they have some type of health insurance that can be used in the US. We are back in the dark ages when it comes to health insurance! If you don't have it and get sick you will easily be bankrupt! No kidding.
Schools - your best bet is private schools or teaching your children at home. Don't use public schools.
Interstate busses are for those who seek adventure! You will see the back roads of the US and also the back roads of the major cities since most bus carriers tend to carry those that cannot afford to take a plane or train.
But, all in all you will find that most Americans, especially away from the very big cities will be very friendly and helpful to you. So, if you are ready for an adventure welcome to the US. If you are going to loive in the very large cities like New York City, Chicago, Atlanta and etc. you will find that they are like most major cities across the world. But if you can get away from the large cities you will find a wonderful country filled with wonderful and helpful people. Good Luck!