FAQ: From tourist visa to fiance per/spouse res permit while in Norway
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Pheebz and Stephy, how is the process for the extract record of marriage to be notarized and legalised? Can you share the steps please?
Your husband will request that from skatteetaten and then send it to the Ministry of foreign affairs of Norway to get legalisation the direction for legalisation is there on the link
Usually you will get notary for the copies that you will have, and notarizarion is done by tinghuset in your area which will cost 200+
Thanks again Stephy Btw, do you remember how long you had to wait before you receive the extract record of marriage from skatteetaten?
I sent an email to Phil Embassy in Oslo asking about the duration to report the marriage coz almost a month now since we got married. I'll update here of their response. We got married Feb 22 last month btw, I forgot to answer it when Pheebz asked.
May I ask when did you report your marriages? I just noticed the requirements and instructions, it didn't state that it has to be original, "Three (3) copies of the duly accomplished Report of Marriage Form." Does it mean I can scan the signed form and send thru email? Hoping its possible coz it takes time to send original docs and I'm already afraid that we might have penalty now.
Thank you again for answering 😊
We received the extract from record of marriage 4 days after we requested it, it may vary depending on how busy your area is.
I didn't have any penalty even though we got married Nov. 2014 and reported the marriage last August 2015.
I don't know about scanning though since i prepared 3 sets but the philippine embassy will only take one so no need to make other copies and mostly they take the originals or the main print. Better ask your husband to call the embassy to directly ask them about the possiblity of using scanned documents.
Thanks Stephy, the no penalty when you filed was almost a year is promising that it will be the same for us too. I sent an email to the Phil Embassy in Oslo if there is a deadline so hopefully i'll get an answer today or my husband will call.
Btw, we were at Skatteetaten website to check if we can request the extract record of marriage from there and we were redirected to Altinn. From there it looks like its possible to request, its just that in Population Registry there are different choices, like Birth Certificate and Birth Certificate International (we need to order his BC too) but what is the difference between the 2? We were confused of what is the right one.
Also there is, Copy of Marriage Certificate and Register Extract, we don't see "extract record of marriage". What should we choose? I took a pic of the screen from that page but its not possible to attach it here. And also, how many copies should we request and mention for it to be English translation? We are afraid that we might request the wrong one. We want to make sure we describe them right the documents needed.
my apologies, i forgot to mention about the Report of Marriage.. sorry if I gave the impression that everything can be scanned and emailed.. yes, since this is a signed document, it has to be original and you have to mail it to your husband...
for me, since i had done it thru the mail while i was still in Norway, there was no interaction with the embassy personnel whatsoever, I did follow the instructions word for word... to make sure there will be no delays and our papers wont be sent back and forth if there are problems... i remember i contacted them about which account number to pay, coz my husband dont want to mail something with real money in it, so we paid via account transfer... but I never got an answer... I did ask them to about how many notarized copy of marriage cert is needed and if my husband's birth certificate needed to be legalized too (since he is norwegian), they didnt answer as well.. after we paid and mailed our application, i contacted them to know if there are problems with my papers, tried their contact page, tried to email, tried to call, no answer... then after 1 month, we got our copy of the report of marriage in the mail... so dont get ur hopes up that you will get an answer from them hehe..
i have no idea about penalty if not reporting it soon, coz i did ours pretty much 1-2 weeks after marriage.. coz i know i needed it when i get back home to Phils...
anyways, so here's what I did/submitted:
* the Report of Marriage form: I downloaded it, filled it out and printed 3 copies which me and my husband both signed. so it was 3 ORIGINAL COPIES with both our signatures...
*Passports of both parties: i made 3 photocopies of each of our passport's bio page. all photocopies for this...
*Birthcertificate of both parties: i made 3 photocopies of my civil registry birth certificate.. my husband, if i remember, he ordered it thru Skatteetaten page, which then lead him to Altinn.. i dunno what he ordered, but i asked for one with english translation too.. then i photocopied it 2x... i am betting its the Birth Certificate International to get an english version, but to be sure, make your husband order both (BC and BC Intl), its free anyways and thru altinn, i think he can order BC and MC at the same time, just make a note there that you need english versions... and it will be sent to the postal address he have on Altinn... so for this, my BC was all photocopies, my husband's was one original and 2 photocopies... i didnt have his BC notarized and legalized...
*Payment of Report of marriage: i believe you can put cash in the envelop, but my husband felt it wasnt safe to do that so we did a bank account transfer instead, using the account number they had on the website for visa/passport processing... he transfered money online using his bank account, then I printed out the payment invoice (Kvittering til betaler) 3x... i think that time, it cost us 225kr for the fee, then 180kr for the postage fee so they can send it back to me...so he transfered 405kr total... check the website before making a payment to make sure its updated price... since this is printed out from online, so its all 3 printed copies...
* the Marriage Certificate: i saved this for last coz this is a bit long... so, the one i got in the mail a few days after marriage is in Norwegian. so i had ordered it in Skatteetaten (since I have no Altinn that time)... i ordered for Marriage Certificate with additional notes that I need it in English.. I dunno what Extract of Record is for, but maybe its for other certificates that doesnt fall under the other options in Altinn... then i got a call from someone from the Folkeregister, asked for my husbands phone number.. coz she said she needs to call him too, for his personal number (fødselsnummer).. after a few minutes, she called me back and said i will get it in the mail, which i did after a couple of days.. its a paper with same info as the one i got in the mail previously, but translated in 5 languages (not 4, sorry): French, English, Spanish, Italian, German (used google, not 100% sure)... i ordered 2 copies from them, one for the report of marriage and the other i intended to be my own copy... then we went to a courthouse (tinghuset) and had it notarized.. i only had one ORIGINAL notarized, and like stephy said, it cost around 200+ kroner.. coz i believe when we were there, we were asked if we need to notarized just the copy of it, i said i need the original notarized... after that, i had it legalized thru the foreign ministry via mail as well, u can click here for the instructions i followed... unlike the report of marriage, where you have to pay for the "postage fee" for the return of documents, for this process, you just have to include a stamped addressed enveleop so they can send you back the paper (Norway process is always cheaper way, yay!)... so i bought a bigger envelop, put the notarized english marriage cert there, and another stamped and addressed envelop (so they can send it back to me)... this is absolutely free (except of course for the fees you pay to get it mailed ) i got it after a week... the legalized paper will just have a sticker at the back stating that the notary is recognized and legit, then signed and stamped by the foreign ministry.. which then i produced 2 copies, and included in the application.. so its 1 original, notarized and legalized, then just 2 photocopies front and back...
this is where I ordered for the marriage certificate. This is where you can order for BC to:
National Registry Certificates - Skatteetaten.no
people with Altinn will be required to use that to order for certificates... those without, will be directed to an online form in the Skatteetaten page...
hope this helps
There you have it Pheebz gave you the walkthrough
awww Pheebz, thank you for taking the time again, the step by step <3 You girls, I really appreciate it so much! :*
Now we just have to know from Phil Embassy Oslo itself if they have a dealine. So far, when I sent a quiry for the first time, I got a reply after 1-2 days. So I sent a message again using the email they replied to me asking if there is a deadline, hopefully I get a reply soon too. I'll update about this.
Hope you girls will not get tired responding to our questions. Godbless!
Just an update, the Phil Embassy in Oslo replied to my email about the Report of Marriage form. I sent an email lastnight and I got an answer the next day, today.
"Yes, you may accomplish the form, scan, send it to your husband so he
could sign and mail it to the Embassy. Please make sure that the
Marriage Certificate that you will request from the Norwegian Tax Office
will be authenticated by this office:
Section for Consular Affairs and Immigration/Legalisation
Kronprinsens gate 10, Oslo.
E-mail legalisering@mfa.no
Phone: +47 02 23 95 22
Opening hours:
Postal address:
Seksjon for konsulære saker og utlendingsfeltet
Postboks 8114-Dep.
0032 Oslo
https://www.regjeringen.no/en/dokumente … /id752911/
Thank you"
They just forgot or didn't answer my question number 2 about the duration/deadline in submitting report of marriage so I had to email again (3rd time) with an explanation why its crucial information for me and my husband to know. So hopefully within Norwegian office hour today they response.
its good that they are more responsive now that last year
and its nice that you can just scan and email the form its good that this alternative is available...
Probably they are not that strict with registration. Like with my case it has been months before i reported my marriage and there was no mention of penalty or deadline.
To think that I did not do mine via mail coz I was personally inside the embassy so if there was a problem they could say it right away.
I just want to share. My husband had an appointment yesterday Friday near Skatteetaten, the office where certificates like BC and Marriage can be requested. We planned to request it online but since he was in the area he decided to drop by and ask them personally. It was confirmed that the BC Intl is indeed an English version. My husband requested for BC, BC Intl and Marriage Certificate. Both BC was given on the spot but not the MC because the woman said its not her jurisdiction. So she requested 2 English version of MC marked with urgent and also wrote what they are needed for (I Instructed my husband to request 2 copies). The woman who attended my husband got it confirmed on the phone that they require legalization and it has to be sent to UDI to be legalized. The woman on the phone said they will forward it to UDI for us as long as it included the info about what it is needed for. She got it confirmed that they DO require the MC to be legalized and to get this legalization it must be sent to UDI. At the last minute the woman asked my husband if the legalization is also needed on the BC but my husband couldn't answer that so she just added a request for a BC on the request form as well ( this beside the BC and BC Intl she already given my husband ) And since she already written what the certificates are needed for they will probably not send the BC to legalization if they know that it is not required.
Now, I'm just confused. The legalization address shared to me by you girls and Philippine Embassy in Oslo is the same. I'm just wondering when the woman said it has to be legalized by UDI, why she didn't say Ministry of Affairs? Or its just different offices/addresses but both are valid and legal? If UDI is able to legalized it, we dont have to send it to Ministry of Affairs? Just want to make sure that Phil Embassy Oslo will accept the MC we will receive that is legalized by UDI.
It's easter so probably the offices are closed but if not, we try to call Phil Embassy in Oslo to get clear answers.
I am not sure if UDI has a special way of doing that too, but in my experience i just requested from skatteetaten automatically they sent the one with the different language translation to our mailbox within 5 and sent it for legalisation at the minsitry of foreign affairs myself.
Maybe they have a shortcut that we didn't know and that's probably what's being done to the documents you requested.
I got it back a week and brought it to the embassy, i did not encounter anything like yours.
Good evening everyone I am glad I am newly member here in Expat.com..I have somethingto ask question here I need it so badly where do we get the personummer? or person number here in Norway and how?
You get that from skatteetaten(tax office/national registry of norway) once you have your residence permit
ohhh... well, i have never heard about this either... UDI is like our bureau of immigration... foreign ministry is like DFA... but for us pinoys, red ribbon is done thru DFA... maybe UDI can really do that?? i dont know.. let's just hope its the right one u get...
i am thinking, if its not the foreign ministry legalisation, then it might be an Apostille... the legalisation process allows documents to be recognized legit in another country.. there are two kinds of Legalisation: one is the normal legalisation process, the other is the Apostille.. some countries had agreed on a more simplified legalisation process (or apostille) thru the "Apostille convention" aka Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (its copy-paste, i did not memorize this so dont be amazed hahaha)... those countries under the convention allows exchange of documents just by an Apostille stamp which is a one-step process and acquired easily... no need to go thru foreign ministry, then the embassy of the country where document is to used (which is how normal legalisation process is)... and Norway is under the Apostille convention... and Apostille is actually a more common process of legalisation, since most european countries are under the convention...
The Philippines is not under the Apostille Convention, that is why documents exchanged between Norway and Philippines had to go thru the normal legalisation process: where it needs to be legalised by the foreign ministry (in Phils, we call it Red Ribbon) and then authenticated by the Embassy of the country where the document is to be used (if PH document for use in NO, Norway Embassy in Philippines or if NO doc for use in PH, then its Philippine Embassy in Norway)...
i havent seen how an apostille look like, but here is a sample of an Apostille based on a google search:
I cant find a sample of stamped legalisation by the foreign ministry.. but what i can tell at plainly looking at the apostille sample and the one i have that was legalised by the foreign ministry is the stamp... for Apostille says its seal of the County Governor... while a legalisation from the foreign ministry says its seal of the Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs... tho i am not 100% sure, since there is very limited sample images you can find online (which is actually good, to avoid forgery)..
did your husband let them know its for use in the Philippines? but please let us know how it goes... i am curious to know as well if UDI can do the legalisation maybe they can, since they deal with immigration, which maybe is somehow under the wings of foreign affairs... i dont know... hehe
btw, to know more about Legalisation vs Apostille, you can read more in wiki: Apostille Convention - Wikipedia
Thank you Stephy, I've been there in skatvest then the thing is they send me back my birth certificate and I do not know..Maybe because I not yet marry it will be next month hopefully in Gods well. And my Fiance said I need wait to get marry I am already residence permit for Fiance visa..Oh sorry for this querry.. because I don't have an idea for it.
You do need to get married first to get the regular "residence permit" for them to give you a personal number.
Fiance permit is different from a residence permit under family reunification as a spouse.
If i am not mistaken you really will not receive a personal number if you are still under fiance visa. Under fiance visa you are required to get married within its 6 months validity, and after that change into residence permit as spouse. After it gets approved that is when you go to skatt to get personal number.
Better apply for a test certificate(a.k.a. Marriage license in other countries) to be able to get married.
Maybe your fiance knows what to do, ask him and talkto him what your plans are. Because he is a norwegian, i think he might have plans and idea what to do and maybe he is aware of the processes that you two need to go through.
Thankyou Stephy.. Your advice is really appreciated now I know..Thankyou once again God bless!
maybe its too late!!but i wanna share my experienced!!i came here in Norway last week of February thru Fiance Visa,after i recieved my temporary residence permit from politi,we went to Skatteetaten to get my personal number.i just bring my passport and the temporary residence visa and after a week i recieved my personal number.Im not yet married.
Did you get a personal number or a d-number?
Congratulations on getting your fiancé permit! 😃
Then that is nice to hear that you got what you need. Best of luck in your future applications
I need help..What should I do about you need to book an appointment the date you want to attend 1 month before expiry of fiance visa and change it to spouse visa but then not yet schedule? But then UDI said need to book 3 months before expiry there is possibility that book an appointment early then 1 month before expiry? My problem is I finish apply and pay in application portal but I need not book the date because not available the date I want to attend.. Then my aplication not yet submitted it is in archived..I do not know if i send it to their files when i fill up the AP they send already receipt but I didn't put the date..Please help what should I do.:'(.
If you have paid already, technically you have an appointment and it means you have submitted your application.
If you cannot find a date that is suited for your current visa validity, you should call the politi or udi about this matter of scheduling.
Thankyou Stephy I phone already but Politi said not yet scheduled in May which is 1 month before my visa expiry and I need to wait..
I think it will be ok if the date you got for the schedule of renewal is 1 month before becuase you have no choice like you said. You just have to remember that once you submit the files for renewal you can't go out of Norway when your current visa expires and you have to wait until the new one comes.
Once you have paid, book the earliest date that you can find. Just keep checking every day from 5pm onwards because everyday some other applicants cancels or reschedules their appointment and you get a chance to have an earlier date.
This worked for me in my case before, ny tourist stay was only until July 14, 2014 and i submitted an application but the available date was July 21, 2014 which is impossible. I called UDI and they said they will allow me to overstay my visa, but i was still uncomfortable as i don't want any overstay record. So even if i booked that date and was allowed, everyday/night i keep checking the portal for a date then one day i found an open slot which was June 25 or 26,2014 which was perfect for my need.
Maybe you can try that out.
Hi Stephy and Pheebz, took awhile to update about the authentication of Marriage Certificate for the Report of Marriage. My husband just received it yesterday since we requested it 1 office day before Easter holiday in Norway.
I want to apologized bcoz there was a misunderstanding between my husband and me. The woman from skatteetaten told my husband that the MC was being sent to UD (Utenriksdepartementet) and my husband thought he heard UDI (Utlendingsdirektoratet) which he can't tell the difference. But actually even he was not sure what office they are going to send it, he made me sure that its going to be sent to the right legalization. (I felt a bit guilty for doubting him, hehe)
We have the MC now, stamped and addressed from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are just glad that after all the worries and argument of it might be the wrong legalization, we received the right one.
Btw, in the Report of Marriage form about the witnesses, do we need to put their complete address or the city and country of residence is enough?
Thank you again girls. We can now move on to the next step. 😀
Hello Stephy25,
I read through your posts and you have quite a knowledgeable insight into all these. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge.
I have few questions - I applied for a fiancé permit in January 2016 and got an email confirming receipt from UDI. I have not receive any further emails from them since then. I noticed someone said sometimes when the Politi is handling it, they do not send emails. Is this normal? What is the advantage or disadvantages of the Politi handling it and not UDI?
Also, we are hoping to apply to Skatt for permission to marry in the Norwegian embassy in the country where I live, come this June. And change the application to spouse permit. What do I need in order to get a D visa to visit after the marriage? How long does the D visa take? With a D visa, can one wait in Norway for the result? Will I need to get a fresh 'No impediment to Marriage' certificate all over again?
Thank you in advance
First, if you received an email confirming that udi received or thatyour application has been forwarded to udi then that means udi is handling your case.
*if politi handles the case the result usually comes out faster while udi is the other way around but nowadays some gets approved early even if it is handled by the udi.
Regarding the marriage, since you are planning to marry in your country it is better to call skat and the embassy in your place because it is possible that you have different process or policies and i am not familiar with that.
If i remember it well as long as you have an ongoing visa application you can't apply for a another one since will cancel the previous one.
For example. You have an ongoing fiance visa app>> then you got married>> then changed the app to spouse= as long as this doesn't have result you cannot apply for another visa
And when you get approved, if it is like in the Philippines, the approved ones receives an entry visa. I am not sure about this one because I applied inside Norway so better wait for the others to reply or correct me .
Hi Stephy25,
Thank you for the clarification. From the Norwegian embassy of the country I am resident in (working), they are allowed to conduct marriages. So we were thinking we will get married and change the visa application to spouse instead of fiancé permit. So I guess I cannot travel to Norway until the approval is received.
Thanks for your help.
According to this you might be able to travel into Norway before your visa application has been finalized:
https://www.udi.no/en/have-applied/fami … #link-1228
Good luck.
Dear Tmilimo, thank you so much for the insight!!!! Well, it's a little relief to read through that. I see you stayed in back in Norway during the process. Were you visiting Norway before you submitted your papers? I have been visiting and I hear when that happens they will send the papers to the Politi to make sure you have no record of wrongdoing. Well, thanks for wishing me luck.
Hi Miss stephy25
Good day to you,
I am currently in Norway as tourist visa,and I have a norwegian boyfriend.
we are engage last April 2016.My visa will expire this coming June 16,2016.
we really need your opinion of what are we going to apply while I`m here in Norway?
Im so looking forward to hear from you Ma`am..
Thank you
Hei Good day to all,.
Someone can give us advice what are we going to apply?
By the way Im Glendora from Philippines,I am currently in Norway as Tourist.
I have a Norwegian boyfriend we want our relation to be strengthen,we both decide to get engage last April 2016.Before we meet each other we`ve talking for 6 months on skype,and now I`m already here in Norway just to know more about him,.
What are we going to do or to apply?
What type of application I need to apply?
cause we are planning to get married this coming September.
Please I really need your help or advice..
Thank you so much and so looking forward to hear your advice...
Here is information about applying for fiancé permit: https://www.udi.no/en/want-to-apply/fam … #link-1182
I also know there's a lot of documents that you will need I'm order to get married and some these documents need to be originals from the Philippines.
You can read more here:
https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.p … =2#3203099
Good day everyone happy constitutional day here in Norway. I need help about renewal a fiance visa to spouse visa do I change my surename on passport the surename of my husband or it is ok only in computer to fill up but in passport still my sure name pls. help thanks.
Any official applications should have the surname that is in your primary identity document. So if you use your passport to verify your identity then the application should use the name in your passport. I would suggest changing your surname just before you renew your spouse visa after the first year. So the first year of your residence you will use your surname but in the meantime start the process to legally change your name to your husband's so that the second year of residence you can start using your husband's name on all your documents (including your passport) 😊
Gratulerer med dagen! 🇳🇴
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