Fake marriage registered in NSO
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I am forced to marry to be able to work abroad as a couple. I didnt know that the fake papers were registered in NSO. The witnesses' names and signatures, parents signatures are fake. There was no ceremony and the venue and ministers are also made-up. How to prove in court that these are all fake? The fixer and fake people in the fake paper cannot be found. The license number is registered at the local registrar. But I did not go anywhere in those places it is registered. PLEASE HELP
Just another proof of how corrupt your government and the people working for them are...Anything is possible in the P.I. and there is no real security...
i gues your on dangerous grounds as what you did can be so ilegal you risk legal prosecution .
best thing to do is find a trustworty lawyer who wil not abuse the situation you are in
i fear you made a bad disision wen you got those fixers .maibe you can get out of it by dispositioning a complaind against them (the fixers) as they have cowards you to do this .let this idea fly by an lawyer
maibe it is the only way out not to get fined or wurse
an other way may lay in anulment for abondonmand as there is no one maried to you
better ask a lawyer he
hope you find this helpful
greets Dirk
Let me question before I comment.
Did you deliberately enter into a fake marriage to gain the right to work, and did you pay for this to happen?
You are here on a forum for people who legitimately travel or move between countries, and need to get legal visas etc to do so.
When applying for Visas we often encounter problems and red tape that is blamed on the numbers of people who illegally get these visas, work rights etc, and governments worldwide clamp down hard on us, because of it.
You make it difficult for all of us. and Now, you ask our help ??
Now I am speechless.
People have no shame about asking for anything..and some can appear to be a wee bit selfish.
please ppl ,
i myself do not dare to judge a person on this ,as i realise ,the person did wrong by wat happend but,this sistem of fixers is so indoctrinated in al layers of the pinoy ppl that manny not even realise how wrong they do with playing this game ,i also considder the level of the education the ppl of the past generations had ,in short they just dont know better ,so who are we that we soold judge one of the pinoy ppl using the sistem that was fed in to them with the very first spoon they eated .the real and only blame to my personal view is the goverment and there so corupt ways .
so personal i wish to apologise to Winnerin for how some reakte and i do am very sorry but i also wish to say that i understand there reaktion came out of frustration of how we at times expieriance some procedures .
so ppl can i plee for mutual understanding instead of trowing blame on those we soold try to explain how wrong it is and how manny problems it creats for us wen fixers and coruption rules
ps i'm no saint and i admid to the fact me to at times act before i think it over .
as is visual in some of my posts here ,at times i soold be a bit more diplomatik in expressing my views.
so to al who feel i wronged them my sincere excuses
dirk c wrote:please ppl ,
i myself do not dare to judge a person on this ,as i realise ,the person did wrong by wat happend but,this sistem of fixers is so indoctrinated in al layers of the pinoy ppl that manny not even realise how wrong they do with playing this game ,
Other Filipinos judge this poster too, even with low education, they know right from wrong, and make a choice.
Non Filipinos are not affected by what a Filipino does to break these laws to go overseas, other than those helping a Filipino that is affected by them.
This one made a choice. To knowingly pay for a fake marriage so he could work overseas.
People need to realise that there are consequences and not be told it isn't their fault.
Many Filipinos spend lots of time in getting genuine Visas, but have problems because some people fake it, and make it difficult for everyone else. Why should these genuine ones have to pay for the acts of people who knowingly break the law ?
hi ABC,
i know,and you are right in what you say but stil i am not gonne judge this person ,at first my wife to was very hard towards him after talking she now is way more moderated .
i talkt to a lot of ppl here and they al say it is wrong ,but wen i asked them if it was the o,ly way to obtain a visa and you realy needed the money from a job abroad woold you do it to ?they sayed YES ,see i live between only pinoy ppl in a poor barangay and tru time i considdered my naibors as frends becorse of the manny times they helpt me the way they behave towards me and some other reasons
it is WRONG what happened we all know it ,but i sal not judge this wrong as i dont know the compleet story
as in western law it says ,inconclusif evidance means not inocent it only means the person can not be convicted becorse of lack of conclusif evidance . it also says inocent until prooven guilty he hahaha
manny criminals these days get of on this laws in ower western ( far from perfect ) sistem sad but tru
to me this is just a sad story that soold not have happend
i respect your view on it , and i do understand your point
i think we'r both right
dirk c wrote:please ppl ,
i myself do not dare to judge a person on this
I do, and someone else did (The ban button).
He's been stung by his own greed and stupidity by entering into an illegal deal, and his actions have brought him well deserved trouble.
Apart from his self inflicted problems, people like him make it harder for legitimate expats to marry, live and work legally.
Officials have to consider the scam artists, so impose rules on the legitimate in order to weed out the bad apples.
One other note - illegal activity is not allowed on the forums; hence the ban.
I could never blame a filipino for doing anything illegal if it means he can work overseas and earn a much higher income than they can ever earn here, in his or her situation I know I would do anything that I had to do as long as it does not hurt anyone. To work overseas for a Filipino can be an opportunity of a lifetime and he must take it and enjoy it. I fail to see his problem, if no-one knows of the fake marriage just accept it and forget about it, it may mean you can never marry again but at least 50% of the population here are not married but live together as man and wife. Let us not judge others.
ABCDiamond wrote:You are here on a forum for people who legitimately travel or move between countries, and need to get legal visas etc to do so.
When applying for Visas we often encounter problems and red tape that is blamed on the numbers of people who illegally get these visas, work rights etc, and governments worldwide clamp down hard on us, because of it.
You make it difficult for all of us. and Now, you ask our help ??
Now I am speechless.
You've taken the words right out of my mouth!!!
It never ceases to amaze how those who break the laws, bend the rules, work the system always seem to have excuses or blame others for the choices they make. "I didn't know....", "He did ...." "It was all I could do... " just don't cut it, sorry!!!
Everyone who uses illegal means to circumvent immigrations rules, consciously does so at the expense of everyone who migrates legally. They force governments to become even stricter with their immigration rules and make it harder for all of us.
How can we as legal immigrants NOT judge and condemn this kind of outrageous conduct. To turn around and have the nerve to ask us to bail them out only makes it that much more shocking.
James Expat-blog Experts Team
It is easier for us foreigners to get visas, yes there is red tape but we have the resources to deal with it. For filipinos it is much more difficult if not impossible if an employer does not sponsor them. we should not judge.
Ccchapo wrote:It is easier for us foreigners to get visas, yes there is red tape but we have the resources to deal with it. For filipinos it is much more difficult if not impossible if an employer does not sponsor them. we should not judge.
For filipinos it is much more difficult if not impossible, directly because of the illegal activities of some.
The innocent Filipinos are the ones being hurt by these people.
We can Judge on behalf of these Innocent Filipinos.
winnerin wrote:How to prove in court that these are all fake?
You go to court to prove that these people are fake, and you also prove to them that you are a faker, a defrauder. You knowingly falsified papers so you can work abroad. If you don't want to get caught and punished, just let this go, regret your actions, and don't commit fraud ever again.
Wrong doings have consequences, and could cause a butterfly effect. Think of the people you might have affected. You have already contributed to making things difficult for others who want to work abroad legally. You may or may not experience the consequences during your lifetime, but your offsprings and future generations might.
Just my two cents.
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