
Returning NRI


I am working with Fujitsu Consulting India. I have joined Fujitsu India in Dec 2013.
I left for Qatar in Jan 2014 for a customer of my company.
From Salary point of view, I used to get salary in Indian bank account and per Diem for onsite allowance. (onsite expense allowance)
I have paid income tax for the salary paid in Indian account.
In September 2014, I got resident permit from country of Qatar. And from that month onward, I started getting salary from my company in Qatar bank account. From September 2014 onward, I stopped paying income tax in India.
There is no tax in Doha, Qatar on income.
My tax liability for financial year 2014-15 was on salary what I received in India from April 2014 till August 2014.
I am still getting salary in Qatar bank account. For the financial year 2015-16, starting from April 2015 till October 2015, I have received the salary in Qatar bank account. And hence I have not paid any tax in India till now.
I am out of the country from 05 January 2014. From that day till today, I was in India for only 63 days in all (not in one stretch, but in 4 different breaks).
For this financial year (2015-16) at the end of October 2015, I would be out for 213 days from India.
My confusion is, once I come back from Qatar to India and I start getting salary in Indian account, do I need to pay taxes in India for months  (April 2015 till October 2015) which I have earned in Doha ?
What is withholding tax from employee and employer point of view?

See also

The tax system in IndiaExpat income tax when 180 days outsideincome tax returnincome Tax returnCustom Duty on LED TV being sent as Charity to an Orphanage

The rule is pretty simple . If you have stayed in India for 182 days or more in a financial year cant be considered an NRI . Now , if you are not an NRI .....tha place of your earning is of no consequence and you have to pay tax in India .

(You can only avoid double taxation in case India has a treaty with that that Country ).

Ofcourse even if you are an NRI , if you had an Indian income, you would be taxed in India only that specific Income.

You may like to review your tax situation in light of above guidelines.


Thanks for your reply.

So if I have stayed outside of India for 210 days in this financial year, I would be NRI. And the earning I have received outside, that would not be taxable. Is this my understanding correct ?


Precisely !


Thanks :)