once you have your land agriculture is a business in Ethiopia, but the problem is getting the land, that might take you more then a year.
1. a lot of local will offer you land.....I have land, lets make a joint venture...never heard that this worked out well for the NON Ethiopians!
2. Information on the internet, for excample of the Horticulture Pormotion Agency is wrong, they list 1000ten of ha, if you come to the office they show you some 400 ha thats it.
3. A lot of regions have land but do not report this land to the federal bodies, so you need to travel, going to Addis no way
4. A lot of land has been taken by "investors" doing nothing, only speculating, GOV knows this but has limited tools and is now fearing in many cases to give some "unknown stranger" land.
5. you need first a legal personalety, meaning a investment licience and a PLC, that will require 200.000 USD first in a ET Bank account. No regional investment office will talk to you with out this / take the risk and transfer first!
6. Some regions are currently giving no land at all to new investors due to some political problems in the last view month.
May I ask
How much land you are looking for?
In which climate zone?
What do you want to grow?
PS> Ethiopien Development Bank has stopped all loan aplication for agriculture for the time beeing / why unclear. They promiss to start soon again!