
How to open a business in Mauritius as a foreigner

Rasel Power

Hi , I am looking for a Consultant who can help me to open my business in Mauritius... Please contact me

See also

Invest in MauritiusRetiring in MauritiusTraveling to MauritiusInvesting in a project under Vente en l'état future d'achèvementMarriage certificate and South African Police Clearance

Hi you have to contact BOI office ,

Avi Yo

Hello contact me in my mail addresse : ***  I will forward you the steps.

Moderated by Priscilla 9 years ago
Reason : do not post personal contact on the forum for your own security

@ Rasel power > This link might help : … itius.html

Priscilla :)

Rasel Power

i Emailed Them but till yet i didnt got any replay

Rasel Power

Avi please Give me your email address thank you ***

thank you bro

Moderated by kenjee 9 years ago
Reason : Please share email address only as a private message.
Les Michalik

Contact MITCO. They will help you out to register a company name and will advise you what will the most appropriate for your busines.


Although it is possible to do it yourself, rather use consultants. They know the procedure and will tell you immediately if it will work or not. Be-careful of companies who want you to pay large amounts of money into their accounts. There are fees payable but investment money can be kept in your own Mauritius bank account, you must just provide proof. Contact Gail or 2 different companies. Fees are acceptable and they are honest.

Rasel Power

Thank you Very much for your kind Information ,,