First off, where are you from? The government views each country differently, and if you are from the United States, you will have some difficulty being able to stay longer than 3 months. After your 3 month stay, you have to go elsewhere until 3 months go by, then you can return for another 3 months.
You can beat this problem by getting employment where they will help you obtain a visa, movie stars, musicians, can get visas, too.
Another way to stay longer is to enroll in an approved language school to be learning the language. The visa will be for one year, but you can reapply for a second year. After that, you would have to leave.
Those movies you have seen where a person sees a home in Italy, buys it, and moves there forever....forget it. They make it so easy, signing the papers, etc. It is not that way. Buying a home does not make it easy for you to get a visa. The government could care less.
The first time I applied for a visa in the Chicago Consulate, I was sent away before they even looked at my papers. I had brought everything required on their website. The second time I returned again and tried to show them that I had a pile of money, more than required, and that I would not be a drain on the Italian economy. The agent there was rude, and did a lot of useless yelling. He did this to others in my line.
I finally got a visa (third attempt) by doing the language school and even then he gave me a bad time. I remained cool and asked to see his supervisor, then he went ballistic! I just stood there and asserted my rights to see his supervisor and he sent me to another window where a nice man who looked shocked at the abuse I had received went and got his boss. She read my paperwork, and I emphasized that I had done everything expected on their website, paid for the whole year of approved schooling, paid for health insurance, and the school had found a place for me to live. I held my ground, and then was told that I was too old. Ha ha....I told them that my school told me that they had lots of older folks enrolled all the time and then I gave the boss (lady) their school phone number and said that they told me to have them call immediately if there was a problem
Suddenly she got a bit more interested......
I as told to go downstairs and wait for a call on my cell phone.
10 minutes later I got a call that I was to return to upstairs and I was approved.
I hope this helps someone, it was a hello of an ordeal, three flights back and forth to Chicago and fighting this old grouchy man who thought he was protecting Italy from foreigners trying to get in.
(meanwhile, University graduates in Italy are leaving to find jobs elsewhere, by the way)
I have a blog where I write a bit of my life in Italy. Perhaps you can learn more about life in a small village in Italy. Paste in the link below on your browser.