
Any Updates on the newly passed 12 month tourist visa for US citizens

Last activity 10 October 2019 by THIGV

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As mentioned before, are you sure its not a DN. dumbom.gif


If you entered Vietnam with one year multiple entry visa you should take picture your passport and add it here for showing.
1. Your passport will have 2 stamp: circle and square.
- Circle will have red color ( stamp with one year)
- Square will have blue color ( stamp with 90 days)
2. You should exit Vietnam after 3 months with date which you entry Vietnam.

I will upload picture for everyone to show soon.


Mine is a  red square with stamp of one year.


You will see other stamp with square (will have date of entry, you should exit after 90 days). You should take picture for everyone can see it.

My opinion Security is the best important. Why Vietnam has this policy.

Hypothalamus wrote:

Holy cow, just checked my visa and I think they messed up. I got a DN visa as opposed to the tourist visa I had asked for. The guy who affixed the visa really messed up I hope. Anyways, I guess I'm good for a whole year. That was the best $5 coffee money that I had ever spent in Vietnam.

Maybe he didn't mess up. Maybe he was doing you a favor.


Looks like the visa requirement for Americans has changed to offering 1 year multi-entry visas in addition to the previous visa.  Any know if this changed for VOA too? 

Here is my email from the Vietnam Embassy in DC.  I received the identical one from SF too.

From: Vietnam Consular []
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: Single Entry Visa and Visa on Arrival

Thank you for writing to the Embassy of Vietnam in Washington DC.
First of all, the Embassy of Vietnam does not issue visa approval letter and strongly recommends you to have the visa before you depart for Vietnam.
On the basis of reciprocity, the US passport holders can apply for 1 year multiple entry visas.
I. Total visa fee (no other fee will be required upon arrival): 
A. 30 days, single entry: $80 per person
B. 30 days, multiple entries: $135 per person
C. 90 days, single entry: $110 per person
D. 90 days, multiple entries: $160 per person
E. 6 months, multiple entries: $180 per person
E. 1 year multiple entry visa (US passport holders only): $220
II. Processing time:
A. Normal processing time: 2-3 working days after receiving complete application (7-10 working days for non-US passports).
B. Expedited processing fee and time: $30 per visa; 24 hours after receiving complete application.
III. What to submit:
A. Passport (copy of passport if applying for loose leaf visa) with at least 01 month validity prior the date of exit from Vietnam (Airlines may require longer validity).
B. Application form: 01 for each passport holders and to be filled online and downloaded at … on-process or PDF form downloaded from … saform.pdf
C. 01 Passport size photos of the applicant (02 photos for loose leaf visa).
D. Fee, in form Money order, Cashiers check or Companys check, payable to Embassy of Vietnam. Applicants applying together may submit in one combined money order/check.
* If submitted directly at the Embassy (walk in, no appointment needed), the fee can be paid with Visa or MasterCard. One person can submit the applications for the whole group.
E. A self-addressed prepaid return envelope for the Embassy to send back visas once issued. For safety of your documents, please use mailing services that provide Tracking numbers such as USPS, FedEx, UPS (no DHL).  No envelope is required if you plan to submit application and collect visa at the Embassy in Washington DC. All applicants applying together can send in one package.
F. For non-American passport holders please submit Copy of Green Card or Resident Card (if possessed), copy of Flight ticket (Reservation or Itinerary) and copy of Hotel booking .
IV. Where to submit:
Consular Section- Embassy of Vietnam
1233 20th Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington DC, 20036
Tel: 202 861 0737 ext 121, 122, 123, 129
Working hours: 9:30-12:30 and 2:30pm-5:00pm Monday-Friday except holidays.
The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the United States of America will be closed in observance of the following Vietnamese and American holidays in 2016:
Friday                                     1st               New Years Day (VN & US)
Monday                                 18th              Martin Luther King Day (US)
Monday                                  8th               Lunar New Year Festival (VN)
Tuesday                                 9th               Lunar New Year Festival (VN)
Wednesday                            10st              Lunar New Year Festival (VN)
Monday                                  15th             President's Day (US)
Monday                                  18th            Hùng Kings Memorial Day (VN)                       
Monday                                  2nd              Reunification Day (VN)
Tuesday                                  3rd              International Labor Day (VN)                     
Monday                                  30th            Memorial Day (US)
Monday                                  4th              Independence Day (US)               
Friday                                     2nd             Vietnam's National Day (VN)       
Monday                                  5th              Labor Day (US)                     
Monday                                  10th           Columbus Day (US)
Thursday                                24th           Thanksgiving Day (US)
Monday                                  26th           Christmas Day (US)
VN Vietnamese holiday
US American holiday


The government really needs to sort this out, so much information that contradicts other information supplied by services here in VN.


I am back in-country and hold a one-year business (DN) visa with no need for exiting/re-entering every three months. This cost me $180 for the letter and $135 stamping fee at the airport. No questions, no hassle. I'm very happy with the new arrangement.


Is there any kind of TRC, or anything that negates the need for 90 day renewals, that doesn't involve being married to a local girl? I'm a devout bachelor with far too much respect for women to ever marry one, but it seems that's the only way to avoid trips to Moc Ba + all the other associate fun that goes with quarterly renewals. I've been here 10 years now + I have the stamps (+ the scars!) to prove it, you'd think I'd get something just for persistence, not to mention my contributions to the visa circus over the years, I've put a most of the visa boys' kids through school by now! There's also an environmental angle, too, it would save a lot of paper if I had something a bit more permanent, I'm getting close to reaching a decision on whether I like it here, or not, + I'll unpack everything before too long...........

I've seen there are visas for Investors (+ Lawyers, oddly enough) a DT Visa, which as far as I'm concerned I should qualify for but the information I've managed to dig up is typically vague - it says things like you require "forms", which isn't giving much away, is it? All I know is that I put my money where my mouth is + moved my "vast personal fortune" into this country, or into a Vietnamese bank, to be more accurate + if that's not investing, making me an investor, I don't know what is!? I'm twisting my hands when I say that, I don't know what is?!?!

So, if anyone's got any ideas, or knows a nice girl who fancies getting married for a few weeks, no strings, or anything else, attached, 100% attachment-free, wedding, divorce, it'll be over before it even started, if that's even possible? Brevity, is what I'm getting at, "I do" followed very soon after by "I don't", it's actually a great deal for both parties, a win, win, I get the marriage + the lucky lady gets the divorce, it's perfect!!! Divorce is very fashionable at the moment, every young girl wants to try it, at least once, some of them will go for it 2 or 3 times, so I'm offering a hassle free ticket to being cool, the hip chicks will know what I mean.

Thinking about it, she needn't be a nice girl, we're not talking Miss Universe, so she doesn't have to volunteer at an orphanage + care for sick animals in her spare time, I'll leave it to y'all. Cheers,



SiCoTic wrote:

Is there any kind of TRC, or anything that negates the need for 90 day renewals, that doesn't involve being married to a local girl?

Did you read the post (#208) immediately above yours? A one-year business visa (DN) isn't as good as a TRC, perhaps, BUT any hint of subterfuge risks a permanent "exit visa".


Agree with John, get a DN visa, it gives you one hassle free year.

colinoscapee wrote:

Agree with John,

Wow,  I think that's a first… and it only took two years! Thank you.


No,I actually agreed with you about a month ago. You must have missed it.

-JohnD- wrote:

I am back in-country and hold a one-year business (DN) visa with no need for exiting/re-entering every three months. This cost me $180 for the letter and $135 stamping fee at the airport. No questions, no hassle. I'm very happy with the new arrangement.

What website did you use for the letter? I'm seeing outrageous quotes for the letter, one site actually said $410 for the letter another said $350... Plus the $135 stamping fee make it not reasonable for me. However 180+135 sounds do-able. Thanks


If you are holding US passport you need a business visa. Processing fee is 250-300 USD.

vietnamsvisa wrote:

If you are holding US passport you need a business visa. Processing fee is 250-300 USD.

THIS is why advertising is NOT ALLOWED on these forums.

You're ripping people off!

I got my DN (business) visa for $180 (NOT $250-300) plus stamping fee that is paid on-arrival.

Stamped at TSN good for one year with no 3-month exiting/entering required.


That's good. I hope that is right.

vietnamsvisa wrote:

That's good. I hope that is right.

It is!

I will send the contact info for the agent I use to anyone who requests it via PM so that you can get the same.


I just came in from USA a week ago on my new 365 day tourist visa. I applied on line at Hotels in Vietnam, visa-on-arrival. There processing fee $35usd, fee at airport to immigration $135. Note: the online fees have decreased drastically as has the immigration fee. This was much less than my 90 day visa last year. also note I have used Hotelsinvietenam 6 times, the are fast and reliable.


Not sure if you realise, but every three months you must exit the country, maybe by now they have changed the rules....AGAIN.


add on to my previous. I think this 365 just got underway. I remember checking a couple of months ago and it did not exist. No you do NOT need business visa or anything but a viable passport from USA and you are good to go. (caveat-emptor on bogus online requirements, they have not been authorized to issue the 365 so they are trying to get money in the back door. My reply and issue was 24 hours  after I submitted request. Todays date is november 11, 2016


The visa 365 is also multi entry. They do not issue single entry for this visa. Nothing mentioned about exiting every three months although not an issue with me, I run back and for to Thailand.


There is the problem, they dont inform people about it. As you say it wont affect you, but it will others.


and by-the-by the 365 tourist Visa is, i believe, only for USA citizens. The Obama visit made that possible.

MikeM49 wrote:

and by-the-by the 365 tourist Visa is, i believe, only for USA citizens. The Obama visit made that possible.

and recent events could reverse it.   sad.png


Hey, It is not my fault, omg!  I'm just relaying my visa experience. Not the nightmare that just occurred.  i.e. Don't shoot the mesenger.

MikeM49 wrote:

Hey, It is not my fault, omg!  I'm just relaying my visa experience. Not the nightmare that just occurred.  i.e. Don't shoot the mesenger.

Not directed at you but pointing out what should be obvious.  Trump will immediately kill TPP, which did include true full year business visas, and be generally hostile to trade between the US and everywhere in the underdeveloped world.  He will have a go-it-alone, might-makes-right military policy and so will abandon the budding US-Viet military alliance that Obama was headed toward.  There is a whole list, but Trump's election will not be good for Vietnam and by extension, not good for all expats in Vietnam regardless of country.


You are preaching to the choir! Tell me something I don't know. Better yet just get me some cold beer to block reality for a bit.  I'll try to find a place in Hoi An to melt into the woodwork. Anyway I think we are on the wrong forum for this type discussion. cul.


and mine is NOT a business visa, it is a full one year multi entry tourist visa.

THIGV wrote:
MikeM49 wrote:

and by-the-by the 365 tourist Visa is, i believe, only for USA citizens. The Obama visit made that possible.

and recent events could reverse it.   sad.png

NO! This was in the works for quite a while before he visited. It was in response to a State Department demand that Vietnam give US citizens the same visa privileges that the US gives Vietnamese citizens--a one-year multiple-entry visa... or the US would only give Vietnamese a three-month visa. Vietnam almost matched the deal, but threw in the exit-every-three-months on the tourist visas.


Okay! Thanks. I'll check it out. Do not want to overstay my welcome. I will talk with "hotelsinvietnam" and ask them to include that information in the app. The actual visa gives no information on that.

For me is no big deal but now I will not get caught up in the red tape.

It is too bad the reciprocity does not extend to buying property in most Asian countries. That is one of my pet peeves.

Oh well, the whole thing go to h..l in hand basket soon anyway!

I see you share my passion for motorbike touring. Chaing Mai and north Thailand most excellent.

Went to Da Lat last April but ended up in hospital, so did not look around much. tell me more please. I will be heading for Hoi An soon.


jOHN d, YOU WERE CORRECT. I asked "hotelsinvietnam" to check with immigration (saves me time and language barrier, and they did confirm, even with 365 visa, you have to exit every 90 days. So I guess I'll take a jaunt to Chaing Mai about the first of Feb or somewhere! thanks again.


Many people are not aware of this as the agencies dont release that information unless asked.


According to the US Dept. of State website, currently, only a 3-month tourist visa is available.  I could find nothing there advising us of any upcoming changes.  However, I've heard all the same talk about the one year visa.  My Vietnamese travel agent here in California, who does a pretty good job of keeping up with that type of thing, has no idea as of right now, as well.


Sack your agent, the one year visa has been in use for a few months now.


Check the US Dept. of State website and get back to me.  I'm talking tourist visa.  Don't be such a wise guy.  Maybe people would listen to you.


Maybe if you did some research you would find this...


If your agent knows nothing about this,dump him, seems logical to me.

Yours sincerely
Wise Guy.


business visa 4 US passport. Processing fee is 140-170 USD.


JKelly5762, seems you have lost interest in this thread.


u can get one month visa in bkk. easy

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