
6-month Multiple-Entry DN Visa


I have been issued a 6-month Multiple-Entry "DN" Visa from a Vietnam Embassy. Can someone be kind enough to summarize a couple of points of concern ... (1) What are my requirements when I arrive in HCMC in terms of getting a TRC, or registering with the local police station, etc. (2) Can I open a bank account on the basis of this 6-month visa ? (3) Can I easily get a further 6-month extension when this current 6-month visa expires in late Sept'16 (or would it be a 3-month visa extension), and what the cost might be ? Thank you.

See also

Visas for VietnamTourist visa in VietnamWork pass/ visa to transfer helper to VietnamDo you know a reasonable priced Resident Card Renewal service?Do i need an exit flight booking to enter Ho Ch Minh

It might be fruitful to get in touch with a few travel agents & ask thee questions as thy deal with these issues on a daily basis. There are many decent ones near the backpacker area in D1. I have used An Phu Travel on Pham Ngu Lao st. a few times & found them to be very helpful with good English skills. Also, try Steve - a big Irish fella whose been around a long time & also handles visas of all types for tourists.


This may help, be aware, the laws in Viet Nam change like the wind.


Thank you for your advice - Kerry and 'colinoscapee' - Hopefully I can convert it to a residency visa of some sort (Rep Office or work permit) once I settle in to HCMC. Cheers.


Yes, the price seems to change often as well. It seems to depend on how good a connection a particular agent has developed with their contact it the embassy as to what price you have to pay. You can get any type of visa you want really - as long as you're willing to pay the desired "fee", often outrageously high.


Kerry - The Middle East had a wild-west visa application process many years ago as well until the various Gov'ts (UAE, Kuwait, etc.) stepped in a cleaned it all up, particularly through use of e-Govt initiatives and direct user-friendly application processes. Few or no middle agents. What fees they stated - you paid, and there were no secret deals cut, scooter or lunch monies, agent commissions, shopping around for visa 'deals', etc. The 'transparency' factor was highly praised by both expats and nationals alike. It took about 10 years to implement though.


After 12 months you can apply for a Temporary residence card if you are still working for the Vietnamese company. Get your company to look into it for you.


I am actually setting up my own company and thus my questions on how to merge this 6-month 'DN' visa into something a little longer-term beyond the initial 6 months. Cheers!


Wok, thats a different kettle of fish.

ngoc my

hi try to call nikko of visa extension he is very nice,kind and accomodating he can help and assist you with regards to your concern and the fee is cheap here is his no#0932654010.thanks

VanKhanh Ho

1) Given that you are successfully settled your company, then you need (i) TRC request letter (ii) Information form (iii) original passport (iv) Resident confirmation issued by local police (v) Business registration of the Company with your name on it as individual Investor (vi) Seal registration of the company; and (vii) 2 pictures of you in 2x3

Form (i) and (ii) are available at the immigration authority 196 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai

Document (iv) will be registered/ obtained by your landlord.

Fee around 145-155$ based on period of the TRC.

2) Yes you can open a bank account with a valid visa.

3) Yes you can easily extend you current visa provided that the sponsor is keeping the same. 3 months multiple visa took me 50$ (for my foreign client). If your current sponsor is a service company then you will have to pay them service fee also which is different between company, can be from 100$ up to 400$.


Hi VanKhanh Ho - Thank you for your detailed response. You sound very knowledgeable on this topic.

On your response (3) - Have you ever seen a 6-month Multiple-Entry DN Visa renewed or extended as another (a subsequent) 6-month multiple DN Visa, or only for 3 months ? I think the 6-month visa is a fairy new category of visa ... Thank you.

VanKhanh Ho

BuddyM wrote:

Hi VanKhanh Ho - Thank you for your detailed response. You sound very knowledgeable on this topic.

On your response (3) - Have you ever seen a 6-month Multiple-Entry DN Visa renewed or extended as another (a subsequent) 6-month multiple DN Visa, or only for 3 months ? I think the 6-month visa is a fairy new category of visa ... Thank you.

I have not been seeing any 6 months visa extension until this moment. Only 1 or 3 months

Susan Pham

When you settle down in hcmc and make sure your hostess register you with the police at that area, then once your 6 month M. V will be expired, you can extend it. But it is only one time. If you have Visa DN type, it means you will come to vietnam for working purpose, don't you? And it will be compulsory for expat working in vietnam with WORK PERMIT. P

lease check with the company you r going to work for whether they support you to prepare docs. n get WP for you or not. If they can help you to prepare and pay for it, you do not need to worry so much. In case, they only provide some neccessary docs. you need for WP, then I can help you on this issue. As I am managing such stuffs at one Europe compnay for my expat staffs, so I can help you, only charge the cost which must be paid to the Authority. Regarding od the cost, you can do a research to take reference ;)

When you keep WP in hand, just take 7 working days to get TRC for 2 years. But make sure some vital docs. must be supported n provided from the company you work for. If you have WP, it is legal to work in vietnam, n any compnay hires you also legally. In case, you would like to apply for another job in vietnam, that is also your most important advantage compete with other candidates.

If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact me *** when you are in vn. Hope it is a little bit help for you 1st coming trip to vn

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Susan Pham, don't put your contact details on a public forum, the are too many weirdos in this world. Send the person a PM so only they can see it.