Installing a stove

Hi All,

I have a stove with burners and oven being delivered tomorrow to my home. Stove has LPG outlet. Are there companies who will come and fill a LPG tank or do they come and simply change the tank out when it's empty? Can anyone suggest some companies to call in the East Legon and Trasacco area that will bring a tank and then refill or change it when needed?


Normally you need to go and buy your cylinder. There is the factory on Spintex road but you can buy them in other places. There are different sizes. We use the largest and they usually last around 6 months but we don't have a gas oven. It is a good idea to get two cylinders so that when one runs out you can change over immediately. Then you need to take the empty one to be filled. Sometimes there is a shortage of gas so we get ours refilled asap so that we always have a supply. We usually just get a taxi to transport our gas cylinders. You will also need a regulator to attach the gas tubing to the gas cylinder

Okay. So how many kg is the unit that will last around 6 months?


Okay great. Thanks for the information.