Computer Callout repairs?

Hi everyone,

I have a computer callout business over here in the UK
and I was wondering if people thought that there might be a market over there?

Here, I do a fix fee of £40 regardless of the time taken,
and no fix really does mean no fee.

What do people think?

Are there enough ex-pats there to make it worth while?

Any ideas, tips, comments would be more than welcome !

Many Thanks

Hi Liam, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I hope other members will be able to advice you on the computer callout business in Spain.

I wish you good luck

Many Thanks Christine,

I have had a very helpful off-air reply.

Thanks everyone
.....maybe I'll come over just for a break anyway.

I think that makes sense. You can advertise your service to the public by using forum classified sections. There hasn't been an y shortage in broken computers lately. ;)