Moving to Ecuador means leaving one's family and friends behind. Creating a circle of friends or joining an existing one should therefore be paramount in order to fight loneliness in your host country.
In my opinion, developing a social network in a country one migrates to is important with or without family. Then again people are different and have different mentalities and goals, but from my perspective it would be isolationist if one doesn’t develop a social network, especially with locals, in a country they intend to call home. This is actually frowned upon in some societies and some countries actually have assimilation programs where foreigners are systematically assimilated into society.
But how can one develop a social network in Ecuador?
Some people are employed and that’s the traditional route but other than that I believe there are a number of ways one can achieve a social network here. The key of course is to be friendly and social with people. There’s the purely expat route, and one can make contacts at expat hangouts and also groups and events that expat partake in. I rarely hangout at such places but when I do, making contact is quite easy at least with the expats I met because it’s evident they want to expand their social network as well. It’s just a flawless experience conversation wise and I think that’s the magnet. And you’re absolutely right about loneliness; I met a nice gringa who all but admitted to me that she was lonely and longing to go to Europe after her studies. This is an attractive young woman who speaks Spanish and has so much going for her. And as surprising as her loneliness was, some people for whatever reason simply don’t or can’t fit in. It’s worth stating that as important as a social network is, an intimate relationship trumps that, and I’m basing this on people I talk to. This is of course an opinion and generalization because some people are quite fine being alone.
The other route which is social networking with locals I’ll go into that in the local’s question.
Where and how to meet people there?
As I previously mentioned there’s the expat places if you’re not comfortable meeting locals. With locals in general you can start in your neighborhood beginning with your neighbors. If there‘s mutual interest it shouldn’t be too difficult to make contact, but of course you have to get beyond the greeting.
If you frequent a place in your neighborhood like a café, start with the staff, then with time you will start to see the same faces of customers and then it’s about initiation. If you’re an extrovert it definitely helps, but above all, be presentable, kind and humble to people and the locals will like you. If you’re afraid to interact with people you’re not going to get anywhere. So if your Achilles Heel is Spanish then learn it.
How easy is it to meet locals?
The first Ecuadorian I made contact with was before I even landed in Ecuador. I met him on the flight here and he gave me some tips and contact information. A couple of weeks later I needed a reference and called him up and he said no problem. He doesn’t live here but through him I met another friend who was very helpful during the first couple of months here. Another Ecuadorean friend I met was when I had an issue with my mobile number. I wasn’t receiving international texts, and went to customer service. This dude did not speak one word of English and while waiting to get sorted out we had a casual conversation which I understood the gist of which led to exchanging whatsapp which led to me being in his social circle that consists of a fun and interesting group of people. Meeting these Ecuadoreans was effortless. In my opinion, if you present yourself properly and by that I mean being socially apt, confident and respectful, Ecuadorians will be receptive and even initiate contact.
What about cultural specificities?
If we look beyond the culture, and it’s much less so in Quito, then you will realize that the similarities between you and the locals is much greater than the differences. At the end of the day people are all the same. I understand it’s difficult for some people to grasp that whether they're expats or locals because their minds have been instilled with biases and prejudices but nonetheless it’s a manufactured barrier that one can overcome if they try.