What is your preferred Newspaper in Kuwait?

The newspaper was invented centuries and centuries ago but up to this date, inspite of our shift to modernization and technology th newspaper is still one of the very useful tool to get information and stay up to date.

I often read Kuwait times. I prefer this since for me they publish interesting facts. How about you?

me too preffer kuwait times

newspaper is better than online news.its includes more advertisements and other things that are not there online.

call me old fashioned but I prefer to read my news on paper than on the computer anyways  :D

ace117 wrote:

newspaper is better than online news.its includes more advertisements and other things that are not there online.

that is true.. with more pictures... :D

plus there is a different feeling of reading it than on pc.u can read it anytime no need of a pc or internet,inf on embassies,new up coming events and past events weekend and seasonal sales,and online its only the news.

I like to check more than 1 Newspaper to see what going on around me.

I like kuwait times too for it is almost fair and undiscriminative!
preferably I read good news first!

News paper made 4 financial purpose only!!
It's related to Politics + politics related to business men + business men related to crisis (conspiracy) = cheating & controlling  people's minds …
Therefore I don't read news paper!



wow, sounds like we got a conspiracy theorist :P

prefer news online more accesible