Learning the educational lingo

Kia ora, forum members.

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a source for terms/deifinitions of the educational system here in NZ. Specifically, I am curious about 1MU, 2MU, RTLB, LTR, 0.5 position, permanent 0.8, Scale A fixed term, etc. I did find http://www.educationcounts.govt.nz/tech … glossary#S to be helpful, but not all inclusive.


Hi teachnz, welcome on Expat-blog! :)

I hope other members will be able to help you.

I wish you good luck

I was wondering if anyone can recommend a source for terms/deifinitions of the educational system here in NZ. Specifically, I am curious about 1MU, 2MU, RTLB, LTR, 0.5 position, permanent 0.8, Scale A fixed term,

Sorry I don't know about 1Mu 2MU

RTLB= Resource Teachers for Learning and Behaviour

LTR= Long Term Reliever

Scale A= experienced registered teachers

Hi Not sure about the rest but...

0.5 position is "half time" ie. 2.5 days per week instead of 5 days per week.

0.8 would be 4 days per week instead of 5

Basically each 0.2 represents 1 day of the week (hope that makes sense??).

Fixed Term Contract = a shorter length contract (usually 3, 6, 12 or 24 months)  At the end of this period you may or may not be offered another fixed term contract depending on the requirements.  These are sometimes used to cover maternity etc.

Permanent Contract = Long term contract, no end date.

Hope that helps, please let me know if you need clarification on anything?

Good luck!