
A good example of a blog directory

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I really have been enjoying looking at other expat's blogs around the world thanks to this great site.  I thought you might be interested in probably the best example of a blog directory that I have seen on the web. It might contain some ideas for improving the epat-blog.

ORblogs is directory of weblogs from the state of Oregon. Mine is still listed since I recently moved abroad from Oregon.  Below are some of the things I think that ORblogs does well that would really improve expat-blog:

- Latest updates from all listed weblogs
- Most popular post of the moment
- List of recently updated blogs
- Most recently added blog
- Hot Topics off the moment
- A photo upload area with the most recent photo on the front page
- RSS feeds of the weblog updates
- Blog information page with map, and a recent screenshot
- Ask ORblogs, a mini-blog that any registered user can ask and answer questions on.

Well, those are just some of the many ideas that one could borrow from ORblogs.  The site owner (Paul) is a very nice guy and very talented programer.  He helped create Blogger and while I can't be sure, I'm sure he would be willing to discuss how he created ORblogs.  Here is the sites FAQ with information on how the site was created and its purpose:

Thanks for the wonderful site, and hopefully it can get even better!
Noah (2035 mi.)

See also

Living abroad: the expat guideHow Is This Possible?How did you decide to be expat?Trump Tariffs Starts SaturdayWhere can I migrate as a nurse ?

Thanks a lot Noah, I have a deep look into that very soon :)

(I really appreciate that kind of post by the way)


Wow that's absolutely impressive! Ok I've got lot of work now :)

I'll try to be in touch with Paul very soon ;)

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