do you think this is a good plan , stay in malta for 3 months in the summer with the intention of staying , go round paceville with loads of cv's for bar work , hopfully get a bar job to keep me there  untill a call centre posistion apears and try and get that as i have 3 years experience ????????? plus i know 3 people who live there who are lookin out for me as well ????


I'd say so. My boyfriend and I came over here with no jobs. We were lucky that we had friends to stay with for 3 weeks until we found a flat. Used our savings to put a deposit down, all the while sending CVs into jobs we liked and within 4 weeks we had a flat and jobs.

It depends how much you're risking really. We weren't happy in the UK but if it hadn't worked out we could have walked back into our old jobs without much fuss so if you have a back up plan just in case then I, personally, would do it!

orrr kool , think i will giv it a go then , if it dosent work out least i wont be thinkin wat if. im not hapy in the uk its crap lol so im gna save enough n go over , cheers 4 the advise.

I cant give any advice on this one since I gave it a go and it fortunately worked... But I have to say....  Good luck man  :)

we moved here from Canada- desperately needed a change, didn't want to live the rest of our lives thinking 'what if' either. So we moved here almost a year ago, no regrets at all. Still love it!

yes u cld give it a try-back up plan good idea. personally having lived here for 3 yrs ,still miss the things one has in the uk that one took for granted. also had been prior to move visited the island for many years however visiting and living here are 2 totally different things. have my house for sale and moving back to uk.

MARIA 9 wrote:

yes u cld give it a try-back up plan good idea. personally having lived here for 3 yrs ,still miss the things one has in the uk that one took for granted. also had been prior to move visited the island for many years however visiting and living here are 2 totally different things. have my house for sale and moving back to uk.

I hope you don't mind me asking...but Im always curious as to why people leave Malta? I've had a few friends come and go and they've left mostly because of financial reasons...not being able to get a job...or not getting a job that pays enough. I can honestly say the only reason I've survived 7 years here is because Im getting an income from another country and I have my husbands family here..otherwise...My ship would of sailed a long time ago.

Summer time is easy....I think the true test to see if you want to live in Malta is to come try it out in the winter.

@RubyMarie is Canada that bad? I am quite interested in it actually..

@mgrima -- how bad does winter actually get?  I live in Alaska now, so . . .


duffydoodle2 wrote:

@mgrima -- how bad does winter actually get?  I live in Alaska now, so . . .


If you're from Alaska...I guess it would be tropical for

Winter here is actually beautiful's the cold and humidity that gets traped in the homes is what I can't take. I walk around my house all day with a coat.I have a house and it would cost me a fortune to heat it up so I suffer 3-4 months out of the year.

Also...winter is a challenge job wise because things slow down...hotel/restaurant/construction probably being at the top of the list...but then again...that's probably the case everywhere.

We moved to Malta from Minnesota - VERY harsh winters and it obviously isn't that harsh here, but we too suffer for the same reasons as mrgrima68 - our apartment is cold and damp and it's VERY expensive to heat so we wear lots of layers, and we also get mold/mould in the apartment due to the humidity - which is common here. So, OUTSIDE your home it will be much nicer in Malta than in Alaska, but INSIDE your home it is not so clear cut and you might find it a challenge.


Oh, okay.  That makes sense, especially about the mold.  It's been below zero (deg F - I'm an American) and it costs me about $300/month to heat my house - tolerably, not warm and toasty.

When it gets up to just below freezing, we walk around without coats in our shirts and jeans.  We had a heat wave of 45 (deg F)a few weeks ago. But it is a dry cold.
