Importing my car

Hello All!
So Insha'Allah. My family and I will finally relocate to Egypt in the summer. As you know prices on vehicles are outrageous in Egypt, and i am trying to find a way ti import my car from the US. I go back and forth as to what is best since i know taxes in customs are super duper high!!! Any other ideas as to how i can bring in my car without having to pay such outrageous fees?
Any advise is welcome!!!
Tk u!!!

You can get a decent new small car in Egypt for less than $15,000 or a used one for less than $10,000. Getting your own car from the states will cost you a fortune in shipping, customs and taxes.

Thank you much! I will take your advise.

It really depend on the engine - engine under 1.6 treated less in customs
Cars under 1.6 can pay %40 in customs plus sales tax maybe %10