
Help! Marriage paperwork is not working!


Hi everyone,  I am at my wits end with getting wedding paperwork accepted and i do not know what to do!  I know that I have to go to the Mairie of the city  (Toulouse) and get the list of documents I need to provide....but they keep changing their minds! 

Every person we talked to has required something different before they will accept to open an account for us to set the date.  I have the paper for a French National and a foreigner and it says in order to OPEN the file we need to

-have valid Ids
-proof he lives here in Toulouse
-fill out the forms
-official copy of my birth certificate- no photocopy
-translation of birth certificate

and in a another section called Complimentary pieces it says to get them a certificate of celibacy "as soon as possible"

But we went in to open the account today and they said I require the birth certificate to be apostilled  and have the celibacy paper to open the account.  The last person at the same office said we needed none of that!

Help me internet!  Do I demand they go by the paper they gave me?   Hire a lawyer?  Has anyone else gone through this?

See also

Traveling to FranceEntry requirements for FranceGetting married in franceSchool recommendation ToulouseMoving to Toulouse and in search of Kindergarten!

You need the Attestation Tenant Lieu de Certificat de Coutume et de Célibat.  I'm not sure where you are from but I know It's on the US website that it's required.  You'll need to make an appointment with your Embassy or Consulate as well to get it notarized for a fee. 

It's not unusual to require an apostille for the birth certificate.

It's also typical for them to request additional paperwork and / or change their minds.  I went 5 times before I could get my paperwork approved to get PACsé with my French partner. 

Good luck!


Hi just want to know how did it go with your marriage stuff?
Did you get married eventually?

I am having a similar issue here in Blagnac and wonder how you overcome your obstacles as I am facing a brick wall as the Mairie in Blagnac refused to accpet our application because my birth certificate wasnot valid within 6 mths (its the original certificate issued on the year i was born) and its difficult close to impossible to get a new one. We dont know what to do now.

Thanks in advance for your reply
