Organic foods and supermarkets


Does anyone know if organic foods are available in Perth and in most areas outside the city? How much more expensive are they vs non organic foods?

What are the IGA supermarkets like?


Hi there... I'm not sure what area you live in but the Sunday market in Subiaco and the Freemantle markets are great.  Not all organic but certainly locally grown.

IGA is ok... Boatshed in Cottesloe is fabulous but expensive. Did I say expensive?  I meant very expensive. :)

The Re Store has two locations and it is great too.

Farmer Jacks in Subiaco is nice and has an on site butcher, baker, deli, liquor store all independent but convenient to the market.

Otherwise this is Coles and Woolworths. The jury is still out for me which one is better.

All the best settling in. Although I excited to live in Oz, it has been a bit rough getting settled.

If you don't mind my asking, what has been the most difficult thing about moving to Aus?


I thinks it's more the general unfamiliarity  than anything Australia... Other than the things that I knew to be true for instance the high price of food, goods, and services.

We have family here so that helps.  :)