Aussie making the move
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Bula everyone,
I have been to Fiji a number of times and have fallen in love with the Coral Coast, Pacific Harbour area in particular. I plan for my 17yo daughter and myself to move to Fiji by the end of the year, or early 2018.
My plan is to purchase property for investment whilst living there and I have an online business in Australia which I can operate from Fji. I would still like to work in Fiji and I'll start looking for employment from now until I leave. I'm an experience Employment consultant/recruiter and I'm currently studying to work in the Mental Health industry. Not sure if there are many opportunities in these industries.
Both our partners are Fijians so we are still currently which is the best way to turn for residency.
I'm looking forward to making contact/friends with others that have made the move and those that are in the process.
Any advise or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Moce mada
Bula Missytia
I think the best thing for you to do would be to start a business in Fiji. Coming across jobs for expats is getting harder and harder, and you won't be permitted stay long term without either a working permit, or resident permit. Starting a business in Fiji is not actually as hard as people say, I have done it through Investment Fiji, and provided you meet requirements you will likely get accepted. If you have any queries, I am happy to try and answer (based on my experiences). I have a blog at *** but am more active on Instagram
You can definitely move there!! You just need to make sure you tick all the right boxes and have a 'can do' attitude. Good luck!
Thanks Somer-meandfiji for your reply. I think I need to have you in my life because your experience may help me. So many questions to ask. LOL
I know employment is difficult to find (it's hard enough here in Aus) which is why I'm looking and networking now. If I don't get work, that's ok, I'll have money coming in elsewhere and a resident permit will be fine.
Looking forward to chatting more.
Hi Missytia, no worries or as they say in Fiji "Sega na leqa" no problems!!
I am happy to help out where I can, and if I can. Feel welcome to ask any questions. I would say the very best outcome for you would be to earn money in Australia somehow, so that you are living off Australian dollars. Doing this you will be able to live very well, and very comfortably buying things in Fjd. I love Pacific Harbour - you get the best of the city (Suva - cheap movies, restaurants, shops) and the best of the relaxed life of Fiji in PH (beaches, lazy coffees etc)... Have a great afternoon.
Bula again!
Was just wondering how you went and if you've made any further plans yet?!
Purely out of curiosity, lol.
Well firstly, having Fijian partners they would be your first info providers. Secondly, you need to know Fiji as a whole. Its geographical location,its people and who they as a race of many cultures not just one. What there diet consists of.Their different faiths and cultures etc. Get to know who the indigenous race are because it will give you an idea who is who around you.There made up of two distinct groups. The third group are Micronesian's who have somehow blended in locally since the Dinarsos were around.Fijis indigenous(Taukei ) is made up of Melanesian majority(fuzzie hair with dark and brown skin) and Polynesian (Straight hair with olive and brown skin) namely Rotuman and Lauan. The third group(Micronesian's) namely Kiribati,Rabi etc ( They look like Indonesian )have been locals since dinarso years including other pacific nationals like the Tongans,Samoans,Nuie,Cook is, etc. Then we have the Indians,Pakistan,Nepalis . They are the business tycoons in the country.
Your first port of call would be to know your area well and those who live in it. Know where the nearest town is where you will shop,police station,Post,Hospital. Get to know your neighbors and exchange info's etc. Dont isolate yourself.Make friends your local community and find out if they have some constructive projects going etc.If you want to just be on your own then that's still fine but you might miss out on invitations to parties,weddings,gatherings etc. The point is once you start to get involve locally in your community then you realize a sense of belonging, Wouldn't it be nice driving to town shopping where people will call out your name with a big Bula or Hi. If you don't get involve in a local club where people might do fund raising projects then you might have to find other entertaining needs which do exist but comes with costs.Could be a fishing expedition you're into etc.The local hair salon could be a place for infos as well.Fiji has lots to offer depending on taste. Ask your partners to show you would be surprised at how much info's the local travel agents have. Theres a place not far from pacific harbor where they sell one of the best pizzas ever...check it out.No you have to ask your partners...but you can always make one at home via you tube.(duh) Also you have the Australian embassy in Tamavua , Suva. Give them a call and ask them for advice as well and let them know who you both are and what you re both doing in Fiji and with who with etc.
If you want to know the locals in villagers, get to know the head first.(Turaga-ni-koro).Dont peek a boo him in panties.Wear a Sulu (sarong) and a Teeshirt etc. You will know these little things from your would be partners.If you can make yourself and daughter known locally fast then life ahead will be easy going cause you never know how people come in handy or visa versa like. (Fund raising projects etc) Its not only fun but it always comes with food.The locals love those with integrity as well.It starts with your dress code. Majority are Christians namely Methodists and the rest are unbelievers duh.. The political climate has its share of hiccups as well but not as bad as some are portraying it to be. There Aussies living in Fiji for ages and again if you need to talk to them,call the Australian embassy in Suva and ask for local expats from oz in Suva.Another thing,have a note book with phone numbers of your community. Like I said,get to know your community first from your neighbors, local village head (You never know how it might come in handy in future),(Get to know local authorities if you like, like the council,police cabbies etc)
The local church can be a resourceful point as well.Full of information.Also when it comes to your diet,you can have the same meal as you would in oz but you will have to cook them.Theres an abundance of fruits,fish and greens in markets suited to local diets. You will be surprised at the local dishes as well.Mouth watering unless of course there's always the odd big mac from mac Donalds or kfc but that's an hours drive to Suva..too fat...I mean too far. You can make them at Home..So all in all, make contact with your locals first and get to know the basics in language and expect change in everything from diet,attitude ( humble approach with a smile is the name of the game), again partners job...I think there's enough for you two to digest and conquer.Cheers and Good luck,..Vinaka. (Thanks)
Hi Somer,
Things are on hold until we go over in July. I'll be looking a properties when we're over there. It's now looking that we won't being going until May next year. Just researching costs on moving, pet relocation, health insurance etc... but hard to accurate quotes as it's still 12mths away.
Thanks for checking in. I'll be sure to update when we have some solid plans in place.
Moce mada