Keeping The Receipts

I don't remember where and from whom I heard this for the first time, but is it true that in Germany we need to keep all the receipts we get, even it is only small amount from groceries shopping?

What they are really used for?

You need receipts for warranties or vat rebates, but I have never heard of keeping receipts for standard purchase such as food.

Lostintranslation08 wrote:

You need receipts for warranties or vat rebates, but I have never heard of keeping receipts for standard purchase such as food.

Thanks. So definitely I got wrong information....

Chrans: you need receipts of many things only if you  are a tax payer in the German system and especially if youŽre self-employed. In other words, anything which can help you claim back against tax eg health insurance payments, other insurances, purchases which are work-related eg computers, space in your flat to work. Even restaurant/food bills but only if related to a business meeting with a client! But not your personal sate bills for eating at home!!

john g. wrote:

Chrans: you need receipts of many things only if you  are a tax payer in the German system and especially if youŽre self-employed. In other words, anything which can help you claim back against tax eg health insurance payments, other insurances, purchases which are work-related eg computers, space in your flat to work. Even restaurant/food bills but only if related to a business meeting with a client! But not your personal sate bills for eating at home!!

Ah too bad :p
I thought I can ask back my money for all the Asian food I have here hehehe.....

Chrans: yes, too bad! As they say in Jakarta.." memble " - too bad!!!

john g. wrote:

Chrans: yes, too bad! As they say in Jakarta.." memble " - too bad!!!

ah, now as you said it here, i missed the street food seller :((
Pecel Lele, Bakso, Sate, etc. :(

Kim78 wrote:

It is never wrong to get a good tax accountant.
He can help with all this stuff, and, depending on what you do for a living, tell you what receipts to keep for a tax refunde.
Sometimes a little creativity is asked for.
I am a watchmaker, and whenever I feel like wanting to get any luxury watches or even certain pieces of jewelry, I could do so without that much of a guilty conscience because I know that it will get me a major tax refund. My tax accountant told me that everything I buy that is related to my job (as I am a freelancer) is "inspiring and teaching", so I can ask for a tax refund :)

thank you very much for the tip :)