Studying in Tallinn

Hi every one,

I have an offer for studying at Tallinn University in Estonia. I would appreciate it if someone can give me some information on accommodation for master students, life expenses and other general information about living in Tallinn.

Accommodation is provided through university hostels next to university, for living Tallinn is cheaper, greener city of eastern Europe, if you are trying to live on a scholarship i guess you can easily manage your expenses under 300 to 400 euro per month when you are staying in university dormitory, people are friendly, city has beautiful beaches and great night clubs Tallinn is already getting multi cultural, if you are wondering about jobs i would like to say you can get it if you prove to be more smarter than Estonians...

Thanks for your reply,

Unfortunately, I have not offered any scholarship since I am going to study Master degree, so, would you guide me about your personal expenses if right now you are living in Tallin? (without any probable scholarship). Moreover, I do not have any knowledge about their language, so finding job for English speaker is as easy as you wrote?


first of all I am not in Tallinn now i left it last year in 2016, second almost every person of new generation speaks English so it wont be problem for you to understand them normally Estonians are little sigh but friendly people and i have a question for you its quiet serious why would you choose Estonia for masters ?

Actually, I have applied for the various position and this is the first acceptance, moreover, my sister is living in Finland and she encouraged me to apply for this position which is the easier way for my future. By asking this question you mean Tallinn is not a good choice?

If your sister is already settled in Finland then might be a good choice, I already told you about normal living expenses (300-400) minimum and tallinn is certainly extremely beautiful and adorable. All the very best for the future.

I hope so. thanks for your attention