
proposition de travail

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katia 01

je viens d'avoir une proposition de travaille a myanmar, dans la décoration,on me propose un salaire avec logement et voiture et chauffeur bien sur,j'amirai avoir quelques renseignements sur les logements et le cout de la vie.
merci d'avance pour les reponses

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Well, According to your information,
Living cost in Yangon/Mandalay/Naypyidaw is not cheap and more higher than Thailand and Malaysia in some areas.
Well ... For the housing information in Yangon, depends on the areas/Township that you want to live. For Example, Service Apartments are usually expensive, Start from 700 US dollars - 800 US dollars and above per month. For Normal house to rent in good condition with contract, Start from 400US dollars and above per month which is locate in down town and city area.
For Foods and drinks >>> depends on the places that you go.
Let's make it 10 US dollars per day for minimum cost if you don't cook at home. It's all about depends on you, what do you usually like to eat and where to usually go.

I Hope you will satisfy my answer. Let me know if anything that you still want to know. Have a great time in Myanmar.

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