At the Bars at the hotels are a man and a woman allowed to makeout?

I am wondering about this because I read that men and women aren't allowed to do anything if they aren't married.  So, let's say I am living at housing that is given to me by my employer and I meet another ex pat, are we allowed to spend the night at eachother's place?

Make out in a public place is a big NO NO. Even if you are married. Non-married couples are encouraged not to live together. If you do, get ready for the consequences (jail) when you get caught ;)

Discretion is the key! ;) My wife and I have never been asked about our status in over five years here.
As a Westerner you are unlikely to be even questioned about it. Always check in somewhere as Mr & Mrs if you go out. Maybe use fake wedding rings if it makes you feel safer. If a security 'guard' at your compound asks, ignore them (that's what they're there for!).:D
If your partner is Western you won't be asked; if they're another race you may be questioned to ensure you aren't paying for 'services'.
Good luck!

Discretion is the KEY! as shaun said! Good Luck in advance!

To answer your question. NO you are not allowed.
However discretion is the key.
Hotels these days ask for proof of identity and if your surnames are different you will not be allowed to stay.
If you do... and you are caught the consequences can be severe compared to western standards.

RE: Hotels etc.
My wife and I have different names on our passports, and we've never been queried about our status in five years.:D

when you choose a hotel, better call first and ask them if they accept non married couple. some hotels are lenient when it comes to this issues. my girlfriend and i are ain't westerner, but we were never questioned about it... but ofcourse, we NEVER make out in PUBLIC, keep it discreet.... I am living in with my girlfriend by the way...