

This is Marcelo, I'm from Argentina and now am living in Sydney at the moment but am trying to find an internship in Shanghai but I see very complicated.

I would like to have your help about that.
Would you know about "how can I get an internship without paying"?
If you could give me information, I would be very happy because I really wish to have an experience there.
I'm in my GAP YEAR, and then I want to learn as much as possible about working and culture in different countries.

Thank you,

Hi Marcelo,

Check out this website. They have many internships. I don't know if it only applies to the US but check it out. You never know

[Moderated: invalid link]

hope its helpful. =)

I don't think the above link works outside of my email. but go to this link

Choose the Golden Dragon link to the left of the page for the internship information.

Hey Taguto, if you are looking for accomodation in Shanghai thats also very cheap, you can also try a homestay:

You also really get an insight into chinese culture and get almost free accomodation.

Check it out and let me know what you think.