
Hi there,

Portuguese expat just landed =) Well actually it's been one month... wow time flies!

Came in search of sun and all I've had is rain and gray days... meh! ;) I know I know, I'll probably be swallowing my own words once Summer sets in...

Working at St James Hospital (hope not to see you there! =P) and enjoying it =) Malta has been wonderful for me so far, providing me with lots of delicious coincidences and connections.

Decided to register and get to know the community here, seeing as there is so much useful information on the forum and you seem to be a very interesting bunch =D

Still don't have a car and living just next to the University Skate Park, shopping has been a problem - learnt to hop from store to store to get the best prices on this and that, but today I read here about maltasupermarket.com... anyone up for sharing their experience with it? Would make my life a whole lot easier if it had regular prices and was a trustworthy service.

Well, hope to see you around!

Kisses & Hugs,
Mauro Henrique

Hi Mauro,

welcome to Malta and to the forum.

I'm not sure about online supermarkets. You have a nice regular supermarket just around the corner from St. James !

Are you working as a doc at St. James ?

Intersted in coming along to one of our Expat mneetings?


I'm a Nurse, not a doctor! =D

There is actually an apparently fancy supermarket just down the street and around the corner, in the direction of the waterfront in Triq Windsor. Never seen it open though... doesn't match my shifts hehe. Is that the one you're referring to?

Yup, I'm interested on the meetings. Already gave a "maybe" for friday's outing, but bars are not my thing... wonder if you also organize other kinds of events?


We would definitly prefer to see you at Expat meetings and not at St. James although it is a very nice hospital.

The supermarket I was meaning is up your street , turn left on High Str. past Stella Maris church and then turn left when you see the phone box ( Scott's ,only a few minutes walk from St. James).

The Expats do organize other events , especially during the summer( boat trips, bowling) but they meet mostly for drinks and nibbles at various bars/restaurants.



I am here for 2 weeks now, and I am living very close to the university too: between the university and the skate park in Triq Paolo Debono. The closest supermarket I could find so far is this one: http://goo.gl/h1wAo



I'm a Belgian student and I'm currently living in Malta to do an intership. I arrived on Friday. I was desperately looking for a supermarket as well yesterday, the one I found was Tower Supermarket on High Street in Sliema.

I would to get some ideas and tips so I can make the best of my time here. I woul love to meet some people.

I hope to see you around!


Hi everyone!

Ricky the day after you posted that, I read it and went out shopping - and it was great! That one is big, has a good variety and is quite close to my home. Perfect, really... thanks a lot ;)

Tkuhn, it's the same one as Ricky said. Yes it's very handy isn't it? hehe oh and we share the same birthday! I'm also an April's fool ;) Welcome, neighbour!

Hi NikkiD, welcome to Malta! =) Yes Tower Supermarket is huuuuuge... the best one I've seen so far, and I think it really is the biggest one in Malta =) You have smaller ones such as Lidl and Smart, and other ones without franchise names, spread around.
However, if you have the time and enjoy it, I would advise getting to know the local commerce. Small shops, so you'd have to go in and out of a lot of them, but it's so much more fun... and after a week or two you start knowing the owners, and they start treating you in a personalized way. Vitto the Italian shopkeeper at the grocery I go to already invites me for an Italian Espresso when I'm on my way to work, at 6am =D We both start at the same time... hehe

As to other things to do... the island might be small in size, but it's huge in things to do. What do you like best? =)
As for meeting people, consider attending the expat meetings (although I haven't been to any), or checking out couchsurfing.org (is it okay to "publicize" this here?). CS has an awesome community as well and they keep very active =)

On a final note, I've been blowing every chance at an expat meeting (first one canceled because of the rain, then I couldn't attend, then... gah!) but I still have my eye on it. Soon, I hope...

Hugs and Kisses to you all,
Mauro Henrique

Actually, my birthday is on the 15 of April. I must have been in a hurry when I filled out the form... So, I am a two weeks late April's fool :)

I never was at the expats meeting either, but I plan to go tomorrow. So maybe see you there!
