
Is anyone know or can offering me a job in Shanghai

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Hi all, My name is Winner. I'm 27 years old, from Bangkok, Thailand. I've been to Shanghai many times for short time, and I have come here again last month and looking forward to stay here for long term stayed and looking for a permanent job. I have one year Digital Marketing and one year UI & Web Design experiences. However, my Chinese language skills is in basic skills but I'm looking forward to improve it in advance level. If any know can offer me a job or know where to get a job, you can give me a message here. It can be a Full-time, Internship or Freelance job. I expect for web design job but it doesn't matter if anyone can introduce me other job fields, that's also fine.

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See also

Finding work in ShanghaiThe workplace culture in ShanghaiProfessional networking in ShanghaiThe Shanghai labour marketThe labour market in China

Hi, we need a website on a alcoholic drink, kindly add me on wechat and send us a few samples you've made pls.



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