The elephant in the room

Is anybody going to mention 'the elephant in the room' ie the situation in Bahrain and its possible effect on life for expats in KSA ??

Yes, indeed, the elephant in the room is certainly something to look at, right now. The situ could easily overflow into the Eastern region based on the geo-politics of the region. We have stocked up with some dry rations to last us a while just as a precaution.

i am very worried over this situation, its typical this will stop our progress in moving to Saudi, and i have just left my current job,

Leo, I dont think you need to panic into hysteria just as yet. Furthermore, Yanbu is on the north western coastline and also an industrial city which may be far removed from any possible uprising or protests in the Kingdom.

We are not moving anywhere yet, either and staying put in the capital hoping there wont be a spill over here. All in all such an event is not something that could be expected here, although the recent uprisings have taken many of us by surprise.

Our preparations are, initially, to be able to survive indoors comfortably, for starters, and then think of the next move.

At 36 I think you should be more adventurous and still keep up your plans for moving in here as an expat.

Maybe we should take it one day at a time?
Good luck!

I just got my visa today so ill be over as soon as i get my riot gear :)

welcome Dubliner. Join the Parade!

On wt's happening around, each country has its own context and hence we can't generalize it and apply to KSA.

In general, on some of the parameters the revolutions are based on(local unemployment, poverty, equal rights etc), many think KSA is far ahead and better than most neighboring countries that is seeing the things, so as of now , nothing expected here in the near future, however there was that surprise element when people hearing about other stories. :)

None is moving away and no panic as of now:)

Welcome to KSA and the!!!!!!!!!!!1

@musicman firstly i am very insulted at your suggestion that i am 36, i am only 34, im truly hurt, :lol::lol::lol: but yes i agree i am so looking forward to getting over to Saudia and not afraid of what is goin going , more worried about my date being delayed,

@Dublin1967 wll done so the take over of the world by the irish has one more solder to the cause, as for the riot gear that should not be an issue for us we are Irish.

We are not quite prepared to talk about the elephant in the room because we really dont know what and how things are progressing there.

Hi grace, well I have the tea bags but they are Lyons, sorry about that, well how about some tayto crisps too,

oops! sorry Leo for adding 2 to your age. it was a genuine misread of yr profile data, am getting old just like you...

drink Ceylon Tea, please. theres no comparison.

Lets not get into an argument about teas now... I personally like the Darjeeling, and for the milder times, the Earl grey.. Nothing else compares..

the proof is in the blending!

well you can insult my Age, but insult my Tea now that is gloves off now,

well kidding i think i wil b trying a lot of different teas when i get there,

for me my Tea as to be like tar i normally put two tea bags in to get it stronger.

...and here comes the aftermath, rising higher every day that these protests go on for in the region

King returns home with a pleasant 15% pay rise for all Saudi government employees. … 24268.html

Seems the pachyderm is getting restless, larger, visible and making an attempt to run amok on the Sabbath after the next?