Hey guys :D this is gonna be awkward

Hello =D
my name is bashaier or bashayer
people call me bash or basha ..

SHUT UP I KILL U < :P i love akhmad the dead terrorist

you can say that my english is good but its not great =D
no i didnt go to a prvt school or anything
some people think that I lived in USA cuz of my accent XD
its cool ....i guess ^^'

i'd like to meet new friends from all over the world :D well someone who lives in Kuwait :D so we can hang out and go to cinema and stuff .. :D

oh i'm 18 . female
and thats all =D

Welcome on Expat.com Basha :)

Some part of your message is really weird indeed. :/

Welcome on Expat.com Basha

welcome to the blog.its nice to see that i am not the only one who is below age 20

Hey bashes:))... Actually I just posted on the forum , we need to be active and do gatherings and go out , we can enjoy this country and meet new pol also ... So what do u think?? Let us prepare a gathering and post it here , and wait for the response. ... Would u help me in that?? Think of something

basha in Hindi means language,in Urdu it is king.lolz

Welcome Basha! hope u can meet looooads of new people to have fun with!!}

lol, welcome to the blog basha!!

hi..ur profile sounds interesting...wanna meet for a coffee?