
Living in Glasgow

You are an expatriate living in Glasgow, or you used to  work and live in Glasgow.

Share your expat experience!

How would you describe life in Glasgow?

Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? 

Is it complicated to make friends in Glasgow?

What would you recommend to people who would like to live in Glasgow?

Thanks in advance for your participation

See also

Living in Glasgow: the expat guideIndonesian communityMoving from London to Glasgow-Blended family-Areas to consider/AvoidMoving from Northamptonshire to glasgowHas anyone known the rental agent Sandstone UK Property Management?

its a typical big city,  some parts like west end are safer, more relaxed, and more expensive compared to southside.
edinbugh seems to attract more tourist compared to glasgow and has better reputation.