
Working and Living in Malta


Hello everyone, I got a job offer from one of the companies in Malta. I'm not yet decided on taking the offer of 30,000 euro per annum since I don't know how much of a difference it is (cost of living) to work from Malta and I'm coming from Manila. Is 30,000 euro enough? How do taxes work in Malta and how much will I take home every month?

Thank you guys in advance. :)

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideMaltese plate for camper outside MaltaUkranian refugeesNon- EU dentistry degreeTravelling to Malta with two dogs

There's a lot of threads about this already so I recommend you use the search function, but you can check out what your gross and net salary will be here:

Note the numbers that calculator gives you should be a rough guide rather than taken as gospel.

30k is a liveable salary in Malta, but that's relative and a very general statement as you haven't said what industry you are in, nor do I know what your conditions are at home. It all depends on what sort of life you want to live too.


Thank you for the reply.

I'm in the IT industry. I was offered the position of Senior Software Developer. So I'm not sure if the salary is enough for me to live there. Plus I also have a family to support here in the Philippines.


30k is a good salary, 30k for a Senior Software Developer is a joke.  Is this in igaming or some more traditional thing?


I thought so too. 30K for a senior software developer is a bit low compared to other companies in Malta that's offering the same position. And no, it is not from an igaming industry. I did however asked for more,  but they want to see how I perform and with that,  they will increase the salary.


For non igaming that's about what you'd expect, they pay almost nothing. 

They will mess you around for months or years with rubbish probation periods that never end conveniently forget any offer of increases and make you sign contracts that penalise you for leaving early - you'll have to pay THEM for the work you are not doing if you leave.

The only offer for a increase is one written in your contract with agreed %s and hard unchangable probation periods.  Anything else is not worth for you to consider while deciding to come here or not as it means nothing - may or may not get it, equal chances, best assume it means nothing.


mlnferrer wrote:

I thought so too. 30K for a senior software developer is a bit low compared to other companies in Malta that's offering the same position. And no, it is not from an igaming industry. I did however asked for more,  but they want to see how I perform and with that,  they will increase the salary.

Is this a well known and established company? If not, I would be very hesitant about their offer. A salary increase on 30k in Malta might be at best 1k which won't make the situation all that much better (in my very brief experience here with salary benchmarking, perhaps other experiences vary).

On the flip side, I'm not sure what your earning potential is in the Philippines for a similar role, but that should also be a factor in the equation. 30k does seem quite low though for that role and amount of responsibility.


It is an international company that has a lot of clients all over the world. So I guess that's a plus? I'll be earning double of what I earn here in the Philippines but it'll double my expenses since I need to get a place in Malta. What do you think? Should I take it or not?


An international company offering 30k for a Senior is having a laugh, I'd keep looking.

If you are a senior level developer you can earn 80 to 120 in the UK.


Thank you so much for your insight. Maybe they were taking advantage of the fact that I'm from a third world country. I think I'll pass on the offer. Again, thank you! :)


Turn down 30k in Malta.

Thats crazy.


I know, right? I asked for at least 40K Net but they won't budge..


You'll live very confortably on 30k a year.


Even for "normal" customer service, the salary is now around 22-25k - at least for German speakers (very sought-after). Job offers for good Content Writers come with a yearly pay of 25-30k @ normal office hours without annoying shift work.

I think as "Senior" Software Developer you should be able to get more than 30k on this island. But it's always a matter of your negotiation skills  ;)

I think that the companies here slowly react on the shortage of foreign qualifications. Experienced people are not willing to move to this expensive island for a ridiculous salary. But their fresh brain power is important to keep several business sectors running ...