let me try to replay
1. finding a job is not easy, you face a high number of competition, unemployment is high and if some one employees a non ethiopian he must defend why a expat and not a local employment! That means often if you are not a "expert" people will not employ you or if so the slary level will be just as a local! For sure you speak perfect English, but you can not play the card of the combination of English and Amharic, I belive NGOs would like to employe such person, but does not count for you!
2. most non ethiopian, go for self-employment, which demands a investment licence, the criterias requested from government are high as well, for non-ethiopians min capital 200.000 USD. But due that you of Ethiopian origian (needs proving) you could get the status of a diaspora Ethiopia, which will give you a much easier way to start a business, capital request very smal, easy access to bank loans, duty free privalage for imports etc
3. socialy you might face also some confiusion, due that you look Ethiopian but do not speak the language, this was reported to me by some people in same situation as you, but mainly in the countryside. it might also be disturning if you go for low level government offices for any documents or aplications!
4. If you realy want to concentrate on finding a job, have a look at ethioojob.com. most succesfull recrutment company! The office is at Bole in snapp building 7s floor, give them a visit!
If you have still trusted people in Ethipopia, check out slowly the idea of setting up a own business, check all laws.... vist Ethiopia, visit the investment office in addis and get in contact with other diasporas (they have a kind of association in Addis with office)
Any detail questions feel free to ask me by pm