
Marrying a saudi guy

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Im a filipina and i have been here in riyadh for 3 years. I met this saudi guy thru a dating app and we started chatting. I met him when i was new here in riyadh and pur relationship is like on and off but were still together. He wants to marry me and he is saying about a secret marriage. I wanted to marry him and we are getting some information how to do it. Im separated and im still married by law in my country. We ask help
To give us info how we can resolve this. We want a marriage here in saudi arabia and my partner said secret marroage is the only way. Please advise

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Run, run very fast.

These things are common when the man is already married but wants some extra sex. You go through a religious only or contract ceremony that has no legal standing but is enough to stop you getting whipped if the religious police catch you.


Poisonbelle wrote:

Im a filipina and i have been here in riyadh for 3 years. I met this saudi guy thru a dating app and we started chatting. I met him when i was new here in riyadh and pur relationship is like on and off but were still together. He wants to marry me and he is saying about a secret marriage. I wanted to marry him and we are getting some information how to do it. Im separated and im still married by law in my country. We ask help
To give us info how we can resolve this. We want a marriage here in saudi arabia and my partner said secret marroage is the only way. Please advise

In Islam, there is no such thing as a secret marriage. He can marry you but inorder for that to be legally registered in Saudi, he must get permission from their government to allow him to marry to a non-saudi/foreigner. If you are married under civil law in Philippines, you must annul your marriage as it not allowed for you to get married twice and Islam also is not allowing to marry a woman who is considered married.

By the way, I am a filipina married to a Saudi if you are wondering if I know what Im talking about.


Thank you for all your responses. Much appreciated.


Poisonbelle wrote:

Im a filipina and i have been here in riyadh for 3 years. I met this saudi guy thru a dating app and we started chatting. I met him when i was new here in riyadh and pur relationship is like on and off but were still together. He wants to marry me and he is saying about a secret marriage. I wanted to marry him and we are getting some information how to do it. Im separated and im still married by law in my country. We ask help
To give us info how we can resolve this. We want a marriage here in saudi arabia and my partner said secret marroage is the only way. Please advise

If he is sincere and of pure intention, he will marry you legally thru applying in Amarah.  There is no such thing as secret marriage.  Since you are still married, you have to annul your marriage first so that you are free of any impediments.  As much as you want to be with him, always do it the right way.  You cannot be together in Saudi Arabia with this "secret marriage". And if any mutawa or police will catch you, punishment can be harsh and there is a probability of you not seeing this Saudi guy again.


go n do it in public it will b better for u


Fred wrote:

Run, run very fast.

These things are common when the man is already married but wants some extra sex. You go through a religious only or contract ceremony that has no legal standing but is enough to stop you getting whipped if the religious police catch you.

It's called Misyar, paperwork is there.


in Islam there's no such like secret marriage, if he love you for real, he will challenge all the world for you and i know many people they get married from expat and the live normally.


Mo3aad wrote:

in Islam there's no such like secret marriage, if he love you for real, he will challenge all the world for you and i know many people they get married from expat and the live normally.



There is no such thing as a secret marriage. This is a deceitful person. If an honest person will help you to divorce and then marry you legally. This wants to enjoy you and then leaves you. What will you do if you become pregnant with a child? Here you will be considered a criminal and you will meet the most severe punishment and also in the Philippines you will be deported


Please don't do that..


See it's depend on the same man, not all man's are same, and same is girls, and if you want to do it, think carefully before you do anything, and see if this guy worth you or not, and good luck to you as you move toward the next chapter life brings your way.


Common! Do not complicate things.
- Legally, it is almost impossible for Saudi to marry non-Saudi.
- From Islam perspective, there are no things such as register your marriage in the government records.
- From Islam perspective, you cannot marry a man if you are separated, you have to be officially divorced.


Yawan wrote:

Common! Do not complicate things.
- Legally, it is almost impossible for Saudi to marry non-Saudi.
- From Islam perspective, there are no things such as register your marriage in the government records.
- From Islam perspective, you cannot marry a man if you are separated, you have to be officially divorced.

“Almost” is the operative word. Anyhow, if he is serious with you, he will marry you the legal way so you wont be put up in a more complicated situation. There is always a way.

And the rest, he pretty sums up everything.


Annulment in the Philippines ranges from 80k to 250k (PHP) , 2 years the fastest. If he really loves you he can wait or even help you with the financial details. I think what he is suggesting will only complicate things. Always do what is right.

With all the best for both of you,


Clara Amor wrote:

Annulment in the Philippines ranges from 80k to 250k (PHP) , 2 years the fastest. If he really loves you he can wait or even help you with the financial details. I think what he is suggesting will only complicate things. Always do what is right.

With all the best for both of you,

Unless if you are a muslim and married under sharia’h court in Philippines, then you can opt for a divorce. Easier and faster.


I agree. I have a co teacher who paid P30,000 for their annulment and it only ran for  months. They are both respectable educators and are Muslims. They have tried to survive the marriage but eventually they failed. I never cited this because the one concerned is a Christian.

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