
Playa Lagarto area

Last activity 04 March 2018 by petracelli

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We are looking to find out any information anyone has on a development we purchased a hectare if land in back in 2005.. it was in Bahía De Lagarto. We cannot get any information from the corporation, seller or attorney there who we purchased from. Does anyone out there have any information on it? It is 1,400 acres.
Please email me at *** or thru this site. We would appreciate ANY information. Thank you, Melanie. We are from Calif., USA

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Sounds like you have been had. Posting in Costa Rico forums may be an opton


Do you have the registration info/number to search at the National Registry? Possibly you could try to contact these forum members who are interested in this development in this area, for more info. Read these prior posts


have a friend that just closed on a house in Playa Lagarto area but I don't know if this is the same spot you're talking about.  There are quite a number of homes built according to her and the pictures she has sent to me.  And it is through Recap Investments.  You may want to try contacting Recap out of Toronto, Canada.


Is this some sort of joke?   You bought 1,400 acres of land near Playa Lagarto 13 years ago and have not checked on the land, done any follow-up work, or staked your claim, and no one that helped you then can be contacted?   If this isn't a joke post, you most certainly have been had.   

Many Ticos here (and Gringos as well) will look into your eyes and see dollar signs.  If I had a nickel for every tourist that got ripped off in this area, I'd be a millionaire.   I've already been robbed by my accountant and property manager here, and legally by my lawyer.  On the flip side, my doctor's been great.

My advice:   come here with as little money as possible (rent!), and guard it with your life.  I'm not joking one bit.

Motten wrote:

We are looking to find out any information anyone has on a development we purchased a hectare if land in back in 2005.. it was in Bahía De Lagarto. We cannot get any information from the corporation, seller or attorney there who we purchased from. Does anyone out there have any information on it? It is 1,400 acres.
Please email me at *** or thru this site. We would appreciate ANY information. Thank you, Melanie. We are from Calif., USA

The OP is asking for info on the [u] ...1,400 acre development located in the Bahía De Lagarto, where they purchased 1 hct in 2005" and they have been unable to contact anyone who may have any info...

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence.

kohlerias wrote:
Motten wrote:

We are looking to find out any information anyone has on a development we purchased a hectare if land in back in 2005.. it was in Bahía De Lagarto. We cannot get any information from the corporation, seller or attorney there who we purchased from. Does anyone out there have any information on it? It is 1,400 acres.
Please email me at *** or thru this site. We would appreciate ANY information. Thank you, Melanie. We are from Calif., USA

The OP is asking for info on the [u] ...1,400 acre development located in the Bahía De Lagarto, where they purchased 1 hct in 2005" and they have been unable to contact anyone who may have any info...

Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence.

Okay, I guess I didn't read it carefully enough.  The rest of my message stands, unfortunately.


Hello, I recall lots being for sale at Lagarto and had a high-pressure salesman hounding me for months. I went and viewed the property on my own. Very nice area, but did not trust the salesman. The development parcel sounds familiar (1400 hectares). I was first contacted on this property around 2009 or 10. At that time I was told it was a family or group in California that owned and was marketing the property. I may be able to find the salesman's name, but I doubt he would be of any help. I think he was a bit of a con man. I believe he was originally from the US and had a home in Escazu.

I know there have been other issues with developers in the area, in fact all up the coast. I have a place near Potrero. Some developments around there have gone south as well, but that was some time ago. We are very happy with our place but it was sold to us by a real estate shyster. Our saving grace was the builder who covered for us otherwise we would have been out 12k (theft, no other word for it).

We now have a great property manager and real estate agent. This is a must, there are lots bad ones out there.


The salesman you are referring to - was his name Richard?


I don't think his name was Richard. I may be able to find his name. The person I'm referring to was previously marketing lots in Vista Pacifica north of Quepos and Jaco, far to the south. He then magically appeared selling lots at Playa Lagarto.


If you could find the name I would really appreciate it.  The person I am thinking of was selling lots just outside Jaco in Playa Hermosa (next beach over)


It was a development north of Jaco called Vista Pacifica. The development was bound on the south by the Tarcoles River, so if you find where the river enters the ocean, that's where the development was. The river is quite polluted so that's why I avoided that property. If his name was Richard, he may go by Don or Bill which seems closer to what I recall.


Could the name be Raymond? I do have the last name, however I won't post it here. He was involved in many scams throughout the beach communities.


No, it was not Raymond. Quite sure of that.


YES !  Raymond is a person to avoid.  Tried a huge scam back in 2010 and coincidentally we bought property about five km away in a DEVELOPED  development and there is still nothing in Raymond's development.  I researched him extensively and although I am from Canada I am ashamed he is Canadian.  I have seen his name involved with five "projects" since 2010.


OK so this is not the guy I was thinking of.  So many scams in this country - it's really too bad......such a great place but a haven for sketchy people.  We've been burned by a few locals, a cuban and an american.  Really put a bad taste in my mouth for sure.


I fully agree, a great country, but one must always be on their toes when dealing at many levels. Search for people you can trust (takes a while but well worth it). I have found there is a Tico price and a Gringo price for doing work on our property. I have paid for both price levels, but shop around enough to get more Tico pricing these days. There are far more great people than sketchy ones, but there are enough sketchies to really put a dent in things for a lot of people (ourselves included).  We do not live in Costa Rica but try to get there 4-5 weeks per year.


I know Sean and have his contact info. Feel free to reach out to me if interested.


Cotterill: I am coming to CR this March and specifically the peninsula coast, you mentioned a note of having a trust worthy realtor, if you would be so kind as to pass on this info to me so I might have this contact while I am exploring up and down the coast...  thank you.  Cragers


Try Larry at Playa Negra Realty if you are near Tamarindo or Rich at Surfing Nosara Coldwell Banker if you are down towards Nosara.


Thanks for the info... time frame is coming on fast, craming on the Spanish and looking at real estate sites. Al of the contributors here on the site have been terrific,  I hope to meet many of you while I am in country..


Hi Onasurftrip:

We were in playa lagarto Feb. 2011 and viewed
Mr.Sean's pending development which was very close to the ocean
Has that (his) project ever been started and is there a name for it ?

We still have some interest in that area now that some sticks are in the ground.
We are hoping to come visit the Playa Lagarto eco-development project within
the next year.
WHere is the Playa Lagarto eco-development project location in proximity to Mr.Sean's.

Thanks to everyone who contributes to this post.

Pura Vida

Julie et bri

There's a fb site called playa lagarto community, it's mostly owners. You'll get good real info. I'm an owner


Julie et bri,

Thank you for reply.
We are currently not FB members.
(enough of our lives are computer driven already:)
but i will ask the kids to look up that site next time they are on FB.
We are curious what's happening with the land closer to the ocean.
It appears from google earth that the main road down by the ocean leading
up to Playa Lag. Eco Development runs right thru these plots.
We are almost positive that this land
was part of a pending development we checked out many years ago.
Any replies greatly appreciated.


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