

Michael Carr

Hi - I'm an expat male settling down in Cambodia - (PP) I'm interested in all things ecological. I am almost at field trials stage for a Bio Gas Digester (BGD) that I have developed. I now have support from an international NGO, which is helping to move things forward. I also have a waterless toilet (UDDT) that I have a full scale model of, which I will further develop once I have the BGD in production. I also have a few house designs for economical but secure housing that i've been working on for several years. In addition, I am now working with a small group to develop a patch of land to practice raised bed gardens, seed saving, water harvesting and vertical growing methods. If any body with similar interests wants to contact me and ' talk dirty '  please feel free.

See also

Living in Cambodia: the expat guideTennis partnerNew to BattambangCulinary Opportunities in Cambodia - Your Insights WelcomeI've been living in Siem Reap since last year

Hello Michael.

Welcome on board this forum. You seem to be very active and in a nice development.

I hope your projects will prove to be successful.


Cambodia expat-advisor team


Wow, you are one clever guy. Could your ideas help to make a eco hotel? It could be revolutionary!

Michael Carr

thanks Joe

Michael Carr

Hi John - not so much clever as creative - I will be going to look at land in Kampot soon to build an eco lodge - that is planned to be 100% ecological and self sustainable - Yes - it is possible to build a hotel along the same lines - that might be sometime for the   future - along with self-contained sewage / waste systems for apartments -
thank you for taking an interest - I am working with a team now and we are all                 ' spreading the gospel '
best wishes - Michael

Michael Carr

Hi Gilbert - current situation is ... we are testing the biogas digester (BGD) at the factory at the moment and should be starting field trials next week under my control - then four more at a farm somewhere - during this time we will be marketing/seeking ' letters of interest' / pre orders - then go into full production -
Are you a business consultant ?
best regards


Hi Michael.

Just a tip of what can be of interest.

I have stayed at a lodge in the Cardamom mountains near Koh kong.
It is run by foreigners and they have established an eco lodge. Not only solar/hydro installation for the power, also a water treatment facility plus a human waste/food recycling system that produces bio gas what they used for cooking and lighting. I was highly impressed and it might be very interesting for you to pay a visit there and talk to the owners.

The name is Rainbow Lodge, here the link:

Hope this helps.



Michael Carr

Hi Joe - that's excellent -I will pay them a visit - thanks


You're welcome Gilbert and Michael  :cheers:



Hi Julien,

I posted a quick intro in another section I think 🤔

I am planning on moving to Cambodia in 4-6 weeks after I get things sorted here.
I’ve read pasts by yourself and other members RE which visa to get first (ordinance E Visa) and other general posts, very kind of you, it is much appreciated. It’s a bit daunting going to a new country by myself and not knowing what to expect and where to go etc.
your advice has eased my apprehension.

I’m 51 and seeking to retire in Cambodia.

Hope to talk more soon with you and other members.


John N


It’s not really hard , although it seems overwhelming, once you get here you will see life is easy in cambodia


Thanks twinguys relieved to hear how easy it is there.