
Adding spouse name to Indian passport in Belgium


I would like to add my spouse name in my passport
I would like to know the procedure to do that. I came to know that I need to submit the online application form from the website
But, when I tried to upload my application, marriage certificate I'am not able to do it
Could anyone please let me know if there is any other website with which I could do this

See also

Traveling to BelgiumBelgium Nationality 2024L card / Unlimited Single Permit (Flemish)residency expires + single permit processing = interruption of stay ?L card application waiting time.

In order to add the spouse name to your passport, you need to apply for a fresh passport. If you are planning to do the same via Indian embassy in Belgium then
1. You need to fill the application online on
Once filled, download the application and print it
2. Take your marriage certificate which carries a MEA apostille along with the old passport+photocopy, belgium residence ID+photocopy, 6 pictures which are 5.0cm x 5.0cm in size, application form and given it to the counter at the indian embassy.


If you dont have a specific need to add your spouse name now, you may wait till the next passport renewal date to do this.

I also hear that the spouse name field will eventually get removed from Indian passports.