
Introducing myself

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Hi, I`m Ceci. I come from Argentina and live in Germany since 1988.
I came as an "au-pair" and decided to stay here and marry a german man.

It would have been great to have such a possibility to share experiences with other expats on that time. I had a very hard time as an expat so far away from my country, my culture, my people.
Now I am "almost" a german, my children are german indeed.
Nevertheless I am an expat and that`s why I`m here.

Hope to start contact with many of you (I can of course also post in spanish and german).



See also

Living abroad: the expat guideHow Is This Possible?How did you decide to be expat?Trump Tariffs Starts SaturdayWhere can I migrate as a nurse ?

Welcome on board Ceci!

I hope we'll open a german section soon ;)

You should have a look to our favourite poll: why did you move to a foreign country?

All the best,



Hi Ceci!
I'm new to expat forum as well and just moved to Germany. Interesting, that you still consider yourself an expat even though you've lived in Germany since '88. Would you say it's hard to integrate in Germany...or vis versa, german citizens have a hard time getting used to us expats?
I'm trying working out all the cultural wrinkles myself.

Take Care.

Jo Ann

Welcome Cici! :)

BTW, Julien, why not opening a Portuguese section? :P


Good idea!



Soy Alexa.  Habo espanol, francais e ingles (mais---mon ordinateur n'est pas capable d'ajouter les accents, etc.).  Vivo en San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, pero se esta poniendo muy "U.S.", y, ultimamente, he pensado en mudarme a Mendoza, Argentina.
My daughter-in-law is Argentine, and she says it is very hot in Buenos Aires during their summertime.  I have escaped from Florida to avoid both the heat and the Bushes (malheureusement, il y a deux, parce que le frere est le gouverneur la-bas---Zut alors!

Si vous avez d'information, ca me interesserait beaucoup.  Si Ud. tiene informacion sobre Mendoza, me gustaria mucho recibirla.  If you have information re living in Mendoza, I would be very appreciative if you let me know.


@ heza
I visited your blog and must congratulate you. I wish I could manage such a nice site!
I have just a  modest blog:

You can have a look at it.

It was hard for me to integrate to Germany. I only realized I was integrated when I went back to Argentina 1993 and after 9 months I was not able to live in the “argentine way” any more.
However I envy anyway my family and friends who never knew another way of life and still are happy there because althoug I live in Germany since 1988 I am still a foreigner.
I hate it when I happen to know somebody and he asks “where are you from?”
It shows me everytime I`m not from here. Perhaps I intend to be perfect.
On the other hand I am happy to live in Germany and am going to stay here!

I just miss to drink mate with my friends and speak my language
I hope you can understand what I mean.

Bs.As. es extremadamente caluroso en verano. Si te fuiste escapando del calor, no es recomendable Bs.As. (cómo es en México?)
En Mendoza estuve solo 1 vez siendo una niña, no puedo darte información, pero sí se que es un lugar muy hermoso
Si lees lo que escribí más arriba vas a ver que yo particularmente no me puedo imaginar vivir en Argentina.
Sin embargo, conozco a muchísima gente que vive y es feliz allí.
Te aconsejo que visites la página de Laura :
Ella también es norteamericana y se ha mudado a Mendoza. A mi me encanta su página (espero que Julien no lo tome como propaganda).
Bueno, por hoy es suficiente

Saludos y me he alegrado de “conversar” con uds.


Hi, welcome to expat-forum.

I just wonder if there are many au-pairs on this blog ? Just a great way to put a finger in this great machine...

PS: I also started my expat journey as an au-pair, back in 1991 (yes a male can be aupair, six kids...long story).

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