
What documents required for apply Citizenship of Brazil

Last activity 20 February 2019 by ChiChifort

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What documents required for apply Citizenship of Brazil on the base of completed One year residency married.


If your married to a Brazilian and have been living here, you should have all the required documents. If your planning to marry a Brazilian then that's another question.


As of January 30, 2018, the following documents are required (list in Portuguese, to avoid translation errors):

Documentação em comum para todos os casos
--Requerimento devidamente assinado pelo naturalizando;
-- Declaração de interesse em traduzir ou adaptar o nome à língua portuguesa;
-- Certidão ou inscrição consular, emitida pela Embaixada ou Consulado no Brasil, comprovando a correta grafia do nome do interessado e de seus genitores;
-- Cópia da cédula de identidade para estrangeiro permanente atualizada;
-- Cópia do CPF ou cópia do recibo de entrega da última declaração de imposto de renda (pessoa física);
-- Comprovante de recolhimento da taxa (guia GRU) referente ao pedido de naturalização;
-- Atestado de antecedentes criminais expedido pela Polícia Civil dos Estados onde residiu nos últimos cinco anos;
-- Certidão negativa de ações criminais da Justiça Federal dos Estados onde residiu nos últimos cinco anos;
-- Certidão dos cartórios de distribuição de ações criminais das comarcas onde residiu nos últimos cinco anos;
-- Atestado de antecedentes criminais expedido pelo país de origem, legalizado junto à repartição consular brasileira e traduzido, no Brasil, por tradutor público Juramentado ou devidamente inscrito na Junta Comercial;
-- Comprovante de residência, tais como os descritos no art. 11 da Portaria MJ nº 1.949/2015
-- Cópia na íntegra do passaporte, observando as normas que regem o Mercosul;
-- Documento comprobatório de renda, tais como os descritos no item 15 do Anexo I da Portaria MJ nº 1.949/2015
-- Se o estrangeiro for casado com brasileiro ou tiver filho brasileiro ou for filho de brasileiro:
-- Cópia da certidão de casamento ou união estável com brasileiro, se for o caso;
-- Cópia da certidão de nascimento comprovando o vínculo de parentesco, se for o caso;

Source of this list: … brasileiro

The Federal Police may be willing to waive some of these documents; you can determine this at your first interview.  You will probably need to take a Portuguese proficiency test.

Everything I've read about this process suggests that it's quite time consuming.  I'll be starting it myself in November, and post about it then.

Good luck!


Dear Ali ,

Greetings of the day!  I hope are you fine over there.
Can you give me few mints within your valuable time.



I did this, but just before the Mandatory Portuguese test, it's an easy Process, just one or two documents that are more tricky to get like the criminal records checks apostilled in country of Origin and a trip to your consulate to get the name conformation document - A paper to say you are who you are  :lol: Typical Brazilian thingThe biggest deal now is the Celp Bras Portuguese Cert which is only written a few times a year - Mission   :sosad:

Pay the fees and lug the whole lot to the estrangeiros branch of your Local Federal Police
Get the home visit after about a month , just a quick check to see if your story is Legit and you have an actual address :cheers:

Wait 9 Months . keep checking the system , it should advise you there if you were successful.  :one

After this no one really tells you what to do next :unsure
But you have to manually search for your name /RNE on google until you find it published in the Portaria - Search yourself, no one actually bothers to notify you and they never updated the final order on the system in my case so I waited 5 months like a fool and it was already finished.
PRINT THE PORTARIA PAGE you will need it   :/

I'll do a full post about what actually happens next when I'm in the mood heh heh


what happened after you found your rne in port aria , what did you do after ?


"Pay the fees and lug the whole lot to the estrangeiros branch of your Local Federal Police
Get the home visit after about a month , just a quick check to see if your story is Legit and you have an actual address :cheers: "

i read that they stopped doing the home visit years ago.  james was commenting on that.

does anyone have any thoughts on that?


Home visits for naturalization are still happening.


ok.  thanks


please how much is the fees for the naturalization and how do i go about getting the criminal records here in Brazil.


You should call the PF to see the current fee...


ok thank you

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