
How long will my work pass (EP, S-Pass, WP) application take

Last activity 17 October 2024 by Juniar Fajrien

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This forum has been a great source of information and I would like to share my own EP application timeline.

27 Feb 2023: Application submitted

3 Mar 2023: Additional document request

24 Mar 2023: Application rejected (due to job ad posting issue)

11 Apr 2023: Appeal submitted

4 May 2023: IPA received

It's a long process and you just need to be patient. All the best to those who are still waiting!


Hi! I just wanted to update you guys too!

My S-Pass got approved yesterday!

Applied: April 17.

Approved: May 5.

So exactly 18days.

Goodluck on everyone!


Hi All!

Would like to update mine as well, finally got the approval!

Applied: 21st March 2023

IPA Received: 4th May 2023

Total waiting time: 7 weeks 2 days


EP Renewal Due on September 3, 2023

Applied: May 2, 2023

Result: May 5, 2023

IPA Approved.

Total wait time: 3 working days.

Nationality: Filipino

Age: 33

Sector: IT



Congrats.. I think you got the quickest turnaround in recent time.

But it was renewal so for MoM point of view it’s just to check your existing data and criteria to renew (if no new documents were given). So, it’s quick.


I think MoM has been real quick recently.

My company applied for a brand new EP

Applied: May 9

Result: May 15

IPA approved from a fresh application

1 week~ counting weekend

Nationality: American

Age: 34

Sector: IT - Compliance


@ForGreatJ congratulations to you and glad to hear that!

Meanwhile now my Pass application is still pending in the 5th weeks.  I guess this is due to checking of my educational details verified by the screeing company. Hope i can get the result asap.


EP approval timeline update

(new company)

April 18 - applied

May 08 - rejected  (due to unpaid tax balance)  exact 21 days

May 08 - paid tax and appealed


29 days waiting time

Wishing the best for everybody.


@yafidresta I believe you should get ep approval after exact month of submission of educational verification report.

my ep timelines are as below:

5th Apr: applied

6th Apr: MoM asked employer to provide the educational verification from specific aganecy

17th Apr: verification report submitted

24th Apr: MoM asked a confirmation letter from governing institute for my pg diploma

27th Apr: letter provided to MoM

17th May: EP approved

waiting for IPA letter from employer

best or luck to you and others who are waiting



@agaamit Hi, Thanks for sharing your journey detail of your Pass application.

I noted on your reply and seeing in this forum for the most cases with educational verification proof took around 6-8 weeks in total for approval.

A little bit different from your case, my employer submitted the verification proof details since the beginning of application.


@yafidresta it depends how much time Institute is taking to reply the agency

i provided the contact information from my side (emails/contact no) to agency, so verification was quick

also I think it depends on agency as well


@beppi If the submission is rejected because of missing document (such as original copy for notarial translation), would the status be shown as invalid on the system ?

In my case, I didn't see any "pending" status and the status changed to "Invalid; The application has not been approved; Please talk to your employer or agent" after 2 days of submission. Would it be the rejection after review or just rejecting the incomplete submission documents? Let me have your advice on this. Thanks a lot.


@jaden789 "Invalid" means rejected - regardless of the reason.

If on review of the submitted application they find some documents or information missing, they will decide whether they reject it outright, or put the application on hold and ask the employer to supply those documents or information.


@beppi Thank you for the kind reply .. I'm still waiting and the status is still invalid .. sad.png

the document missed is the original copy for the notarial translation .. and it is not for the educational qualifications .. would it be a serious issue ?


@jaden789 If it was rejected, did the employer appeal?

If so, it seems to sometimes go back to "pending", sometimes stay "invalid". But your employer will be informed of the outcome in any case.


@beppi Yes, they appealed submitting the original document copy on the same day.

I just checked the status and it's still invalid.

I'll wait for some more days and check with the employer if there is any update on their end. Thank you very much.


Hi, in general is S Pass harder to get compared to EP? I have 2 employers that want to apply for my work visa; one is S Pass and the other want to apply EP. Any suggestion on which one should i choose?


@GLaurentW Those are two different visa types meant for separate groups of people and/or jobs.


Hiya! Been a silent reader for almost a month 1f619.svg Thought I’d share my ongoing application:

3rd May - Application submitted

9th May - Informed by the employer “we need input from other agencies.. 4 weeks..”

at this point I wasn’t able to see my information at all from the website to check status. It shows no record until the recent maintenance (18 - 21st May), although my FIN is already issued and company has sent me the screenshot of the application status.

22nd May - status at website finally appear: “pending” until today.

I wasn’t sure though if this status at the website could be different than what the employer would see. Haven’t asked my employer yet.

from reading throughout almost all forum posts here, I concluded that external agencies are included in the process due to my working experience in Sydney, and my educational background in Indonesia.

IT Sector: Software Dev

Salary: 8k ish

Exp: 3 years+

First time EP application 1f619.svg best of luck to us applicants~


If your educational certificates are in English and universities are legit (don’t get me wrong), the agencies will just verify and turnaround time is utmost 4 weeks. Since you have worked before in Sydney, should be pretty straightforward. Experience internationally sure helps.


Yep certificates are in English, uni also shown in the list. Checked with the employer they said it is still under the “external agencies” thing - so it could show different status between employer’s login website and from our end checking website 😆 thanks for the encouragement


Hi all,

I have just gotten a job offer from a fintech startup as a Marketing Executive. My employer told me that he will be applying for an S-pass for me and that I can start preparing all the necessary documents and plan when to tender my resignation from my current company in Indonesia (I'm Indonesian). He wants me to start work on the 1st of July officially because an employee of theirs would be leaving on the 23rd of next month (also an S-pass holder), once they leave, the S-pass quota will be given to me.

I have several questions regarding the application process, as I am very new to this (my first time!):

  1. Do I have to include my educational transcript or just the certificate will do? (I'm a diploma graduate from a private university in Singapore)
  2. From your experience, do I have a chance of getting my S-pass approved?

Background info:

I have 2.5 years of working experience in total. (in Indonesia)

I have 8 months of working experience in the related field.

Appreciate any responses to help clear my doubts. Thanks all!


All the certificates must be either written in English or need a transcript. So, you know what you need to do.

About pass approval, S-pass is quota based that means your employer must have foreign quota to apply S-pass. The approval process would take its own criteria at MoM. It may take few weeks to a month or more to get a result as MoM May take a third party vendor to verify your certificates and other documents.

Your employer will have to justify why they hired you and provide proof that they tried locally but couldn’t get right candidate for this position before they hire a foreigner. Good luck


@surya2k Hi Surya, for Pass application my employer said MOM doesn't need the applicant's educational certificate unless they request for it.

If they request, yes the certificate should be written in english. CMIIW


Hello! Good day.

I recently accepted an offer and the new employer has applied for my EP and still pending by today.

Applied on May 16 and util today still pending.

I am abit worried because of my previous job history/employment.

Last year was a bit rough for me. I moved 3 times in 1 month transition. due to some difficulties at work and work environment didn't fit me well. in my current Role I am turning 7 months and waiting for EP to be approved.

My question is: does MoM check on your previous job changes (i didn't have any bad records not misconducts in previous employers, i have resigned gracefully before).

Nowadays, how long does it take for EP to be approved on average?

Thank you


@Kesomac hi did they ask for any additional documents? ..or it's just pending since applied 


@Dbok Hi, they didn't request for additional documents. HR just received an email saying they need more time to review the application.


@Kesomac  thanks for the information my application also was applied the same day as yours ..and pending since . hopefully should be approved soon


@Dbok oh I see. Hopefully we get our results soon!

did they ask for any additional info/docs?


@Kesomac no documents asked as of today.


@Kesomac @dbok

Hello All,

looks like we are all in same boat, My application also submitted on same date 16th and from then it is in pending state.

exp: 10+ years

Position: IT Architect Associate

No queries received as of today.

Please do post if you have more info on delays.

Thank You.


Hi all, I've been checking this site ever since I accepted a job in Singapore. My EP application was submitted on 23rd May, the site was updated on the 24th with status as pending to date.

Will we receive an email directly from MoM once EP has been approved? I gave my email address on the form so was wondering instead of anxiously checking the status everyday.



@rajnymgo hi! sure. Have you been working in Singapore before or is this going to be your first job in SG?



Hello All! Good day.

I recently accepted an offer and the employer has applied for my EP and the status still pending as of today.

Applied on May 16 and util today still pending.

Could anyone advise in general how long it will take to get IPA?

Position : IT infra engineer

Exp : 10+ years

As per HR they did not receive any query.

Thank you.


@Kesomac hi there! it's going to be first job in SG.


@rajnymgo Hello, no. I've been working in Singapore for 6 years. but moved to different companies before.

Last time i was applied for EP, it took at most 14 days, the rest are lesser like 3 to 4 working days. But this time around it is taking more time.

How about you?



Hi! I got an offer from Singapore based company while am working in a different country, I hold masters degree from an Indian university and as per MOM self assessment tool am eligible for work visa. And I got 10+ years of experience on same field without any gaps.

It's been already 14+ days applied for EP but IPA still in pending state.

Eagerly waiting for the approval.

Even my employer doesn't have any clue on delays on getting IPA.


@Adsharm You do not need to check EPOnline daily - your employer will be informed of any changes! The process usually takes between one and eight weeks, but special cases can differ from this (e.g. if vetting by your home country agencies is needed).


@beppi and everyone .. I would like to have your advice how to request the support letter from the professional bodies .. should I go there in person or request online ?

Do you have any idea how long it would take ? Thanks.


@jaden789 Support letter for what?

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