How to send a post?

Hi guys,

it might be stupid question but, how do we send a post here. i leave near to vondelpark area so far havent seen any post office or mail-boxes around,

usually you put a stamp on your envelope and put it into a public post-box which are usually located on the streets

thanks in advance :)

Hi oakin!

No post office at all? :/
I hope other members will be able to help you soon!


Try your local supermarket or corner shop, very often they have a post office inside them..........

ohh cool, so that means i check out any albert heijn around?

thanks bulldog-barbie

Hey oakin,
i think they got rid of all the 'real' post offices. But i alomst every albert heijn, C1000 or super de boer (or any other supermarket), there is a small TNT post office.
Good luck!