
Overstay and Background check fingerprinting


Hi Everyone,
I have overstayed and my partner and I want to get married. I need to get the fingerprinting done so I can send to the FBI Company to complete. Will I have a problem going into the Police Federal to request it since I have overstayed? Should I do the marriage process first?


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is Online


As soon as federal police see that you are overstayed you will given a couple days to leave. have you looked to see the documents you will need to get married and then permanency? If you have what you need to get married I'd do that first. Overstaying always makes things more difficult.



Can you show a Stable Union for 1 year? and do you have all the required documents needed to Marry a Brazilian ?. Please see the "Post" by James on "Marriage in Brasil" you can also query our fiend Google and it will direct you to a "Official Website from the State Department" and it has the rulzs, just type in Google or Whatever Search engine "How to Marry a Brazilian"...As for your overstay" just search on "Expat" just type in "Overstay", someone has  posted that on  the Forum there is post on "BackgroundChecks" for the poster they had some one in the US mail the FBI Fingerprint forms to them, they had the FP/PF do the Fingerprints? And mailed them back to there friend and the friend mailed the prints to the FBI and the FBI mailed them back and then the friend / relative mailed the "FBI Documents" to there friend/relative.. Brazil. I was not asked for a FBI Background check at anytime, yet I did have one available and guess what I've never looked at the "Report



There are a couple of issues wrapped up in your question.   The most important one is, have you overstayed your initial 90 days,  or the whole 180?  If the first, you can go to the Federal Police and extend, either paying the fine or shortening your extension by the days of the overstay.  Then do the marriage, get fingerprinted, and get your permanency application in ASAP.
If the second, you'll probably have to leave the country until your counter rolls over again.  Going to the Federal Police for anything else in that case will likely just get you an order to leave, and the fine.