
Traveling with Student Visa and then transferring to Dependent Visa



I am a new member in this group, and I would need some suggestions regarding my next move.

I am slated to move to Belgium on a Work Permit and Visa D, whereas my wife has got admission in her Masters in an university, and wishes to move on Student Visa.

We considered the option of her moving with a Dependent Visa, but the processing times for the same might be high. In that case, her session might start and she would not be able to move with me.

It would be great if someone can suggest, would it be advisable for her to continue on the same Student Visa, or convert to Dependent? Advantages I can think of, she can be entitled to the Family Insurance Cover and might not have to convert to Dependent after 2 years, in case we consider PR in the long-term, when this 2 years might get void.

If my assumptions (and may be other benefits which I can't think of right now) are correct, what all might be involved in changing her Visa status once she arrives there?

Would highly appreciate your suggestions.


See also

Work permit in BelgiumVisas for BelgiumThe Working Holiday Visa for BelgiumL card with PHD periodLost job but single permit still valid

if you apply for yours and your wifes(as your dependent accompanying you) visa together at the same file, the applications get approved (99%) together within a week or so. This is the cleanest way. Once she is here, she can join the university (being on student visa is not a must to join the course).

If she arrives here on student visa, I am not sure if it is possible for her to convert that to dependent visa. My understanding is that  it is not possible to do here (she may have to go back to home country to apply for the new type of visa).

There are some FB groups like Indian Students in Europe, Indian students in Leuven  / Belgium, etc where you can ask this question and see if someone had gone through a similar scenario.


Thanks Aneesh for your reply  :) . As suggested, will put it on the FB groups too, to have some insight :) !