
Work Holiday Pass

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Hi Guys,
I applied for WHP on 20th April as I recently got approved by a company for internship in Singapore. When I called ministry of manpower to check on the status of my application and provided them with the details, they said they are unable to locate my application in the database. Did same happen to anyone in the forum?. Can anyone shed some light on this issue?. Thanks in advance.

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Check the eligibility criteria and understand if you meet their requirements: … ligibility

Did you provide the application reference number for them to locate your application? You may try once more with all the details. If still unable to find in their database then ask them if you can submit agin. Thanks


Hi Surya,
Thanks for your reply. I checked the eligibility before applying and I am sure enough that I am eligible. I am a University of New South Wales, Australia graduate with Masters Degree.  And yah, I provided them with all the details including my passport number and application number. Do you know anyone who faces this situation?.


I heard last year one person had similar issue like you but after he called up them then after a week it appeared in the system as the application is pending. Try out once again to call them and let’s see if they can locate your application in their system or not. Good luck

Note: The Work Holiday Programme has a capacity of 2,000 applicants at any one time.


Hi Surya,
I tried calling them like an hour ago. They said it  may be because my application is still in process. Its still not there in their system. In what cases an application is pending?.
Btw can you explain what does that actually means, '  The Work Holiday Programme has a capacity of 2,000 applicants at any one time'?. Thanks.


The WHV is described in detail on this offiocial site: … -programme
There can be only 2000 valid WHVs at any one time.


Hello Yaameen
I think I am in the same situation, I applied on 22 April, they told me that I can check the status of my application after 02 May on … , but still nothing.
Could you locate your application now or check online after calling MOM ?

Thank you !


Hi Gwenwl,
I sent a feedback to MOM and received a mail today stating that they received my application on 20th April. Due to peak period they need more time to process my application. You can try to send them a feedback too. Let me know if you receive your IPA in mean time and what they said after you mail them. Are you on for internship too?.


Thank you for your reply Yaameen.
Yes I will do my internship in SG this summer
Ok I will try to send them a feedback.
Did you receive an automatic reply from MOM after your application ?


Yah I did.


Hi Guyz,
I got my IPA letter today. Thanks for your help.


Good to hear. Congrats!


Congrats ! I am still waiting for the outcome but can check online now !!


@gwenwl hope u will receive it soon


Guyz I will be travelling Singapore this may using my tourist visa. Will they look into my IPA letter or will they consider my tourist visa?. Until my Work pass card is issued, am i allowed for multiple entry using my IPA letter?.


As far as I know, an IPA allows one time entry, so use that only when you plan to convert it to your work visa and start work.
Since you can only hold one valid visa at any one time, your tourist visa becomes invalid then.


So, unless I convert my IPA to work visa, I can still use my tourist visa, right?. My tourist visa will only be invalid when my IPA is converted to work visa. It also says If I pay $30 at immigration point and show them the IPA letter, its only then when they will consider my IPA or else they will count my tourist visa ( entry visa). Correcr me if I am wrong.


As far as I know, you don't need to pay anything to enter Singapore with an IPA.
Where did you get this information from?


Its written in my ipa letter.


It says, 'Before your arrival ensure you have a copy of this IPA letter with you. If you donot have a seperate visa, you will need this whole letter as a visa to enter Singapore - A $30 fee will be charged'.


This is new to me - possibly a specialty of the WHP.


Hi Beppi,
Am i right to think that unless I convert my IPA to work holiday visa, my tourist visa will still be valid?.


You have to show your tourist visa and then IPA at immigration point or else they will ask what’s the purpose of your visit, show return ticket and accommodation details.

After entered Singapore, your employer will apply WHP card and there is no way you can say ‘if I don’t convert my IPA to WHP’.

Yes, your tourist visa will be there for 30 days validity but if you don’t accept WHP then chances are very high employer complain against you at MoM then your career will be jeopardised before it starts here.

Note: You should have a visa before entering into Singapore even if you have IPA letter. This is not applicable to citizens of ASEAN countries or US (may be few other countries like Sri Lanka where visa on arrival facility is available but will have to pay visa fee upfront).


I think so, but better check with the authorities!


The WHP may be an exception here, since it is nopt tied to an employer - you can enter Singapore with it and then work for any employer during its (max. 6 months) validity.
I have no experience with it, as the WHP is pretty rare, but I can imagine that due to the fact that no employer would convert the IPA to actual visa (as is the case with all other work visa), this is automatically done at immigration.
But of course this is my assumption, and it is better to ask at the competent source.


Hi Surya,
I think you misunderstood when I said about tourist visa. What I meant was I already have a entry visa (tourist visa) which I received last november and its not expired yet irrespective of the IPA letter. I am visiting singapore this week only for tourism purpose (after 4 days I will return back to my country) and so I intend to use my tourist visa rather than IPA letter. My internship starts next month and when I visit singapore again next month, I will then use my IPA letter to enter.

Also, on your comment about having a visa prior to enter SG : My IPA letter states that I can use my IPA letter as a visa and I will be charged $30 for that.


True, I was completely misunderstood from your earlier message. Then shouldn’t have any issue.

Regarding IPA letter, yes ICA is collecting visa fee of $30, so you don’t need a separate visa as defined in your IPA.


Hi Surya,
Thanks for your reply and for finding the info too. How it usually works in immigration? Do they ask for IPA or its us who show it directly?


They have everything in their database and see it after scanning your passport.


Hi Yaameen ! Just would like to know, are u a graduate or undergraduate ?


I am a graduate from UNSW.


You applied for WHP under work holiday programme or under work holiday visa programme ?


There is only one such programme and visa!


I applied for work holiday program. The other work holiday program is only for Australian Citizen.


I see !
Yaameen my friend is graduate from Australia and would like to apply for WHP like you, just make sure she didn't get wrong information, for graduate, she only need to provide her passport + degree certificate and transcripts to MOM ?
Thank you !!


Passport personal details, degree cert and transcript....may be graduation details too


Which company are you interning for?


Thank you for your reply.
I will work as marketing intern for company in fashion industry.


I received a mail for ICA about the question I was asking previously regarding tourist visa and IPA thing. They said I can use either of the tourist visa or IPA as long as they are valid and active.


Also, I heard renting an apartment or a condominium in SG for 3 months is illegal?. Is it true?... Cz I am looking for a place.


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