
tax ,exit really entry & final exit

Saba Aamir

Salam everyone

I need some information about the tax and final exit for Saudi Arabia.
I am pakistani female recently live in Bahrain with work visa and I have valid aqama and exit re entry visa for Saudi till 27 June 2018.I am dependent on my father's visa in Saudi.

my aqama will finnish in October question Is that ..what If I dont want to go back to Saudi till 27 June.?my aqama or my visa for Saudi will cancel automatically? or there is any penalty my family have to pay(they are in Saudi Arabia).
and if I want to take final exit from there.when I need to go back to Saudi?

Many thanks

See also

The tax system in Saudi ArabiaValue Added Tax in Saudi ArabiaLevy tax and other charges for newborn baby in saudi for an expatDEPENDENT FEETax in UK if working in KSA

Your exit reentry is related with your iqama. For renewal of iqama the person should be in ksa how ever your father can request this thru authority in person.

For final exit you dont need to be present in KSA. Once your iqama expires your sponsor (Father) Can let your name out from ABSHAR portal

Saba Aamir

WA Salam.
really helpfull
many thanks  :)