
Bringing Senior Family Member to The Netherlands


My daughter and her husband (Highly Skilled) are immigrating to The Netherlands at the end of 2018.
I'm 61 years old and have lived with them for the past 3 years. Will I be able to immigrate with them. We all have South African Passports.
I've done numerous searches but have not been able to find any answers.
Any assistance will be appreciated.

See also

Travelling to the NetherlandsProving *exclusive* relationship (recently divorced)How RNI - BSN worksMake an appointment to get the BSN in a different GemeenteCan I get Dutch citizenship as a UK Brit married to a Dutch person?

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

There is a special provision for elderly parents, but unfortunately, you're too young, you need to be 65 or older.

So you would need to apply for a visa on humanitarian grounds.

My advice would be to use your son-in-law's skilled immigrant status to try and tag your visa to his and your daughters.  I'd advise your son-in-law to speak to his future HR department (sooner rather than later)  to see if they can help you out.

Hope this helps.

Expat Team


Thank you for your help.