Hey all,
I am very new to this forum and I just wanted to say that it is a pleasure to meet other likeminded folks.
I am in my mid-30s, single (but rarely alone and always dating ) I have a flourishing career as a writer in the film industry. I live in NYC and visit LA often for work: I used to live in LA, can't do it anymore. Frankly I am hitting a wall with NYC living and specifically the real estate in the city. I pay $2700 for a very nice apartment in Brooklyn but I just can't see a future as a house owner in NYC. I am not in hedge funds. I make low 6 figures and I feel like my income is going out of the window - specifically in my landlord's pocket. Truthfully I am starting to wonder if NYC itself isn't as alluring as it was in my 20s and even early 30s.
So what 's the alternative? Move to another city in the US (I really like Chicago but don't know anyone there and it almost doesn't feel like a big enough change).
Or... put a foot in Latin America. I would maintain US residency and a strong connection to the US, but I would make sure that my life isn't US-based.
My plan would be to continue working in the US (remotely) and earn US dollars.
In Latin America, I have only been to Mexico City and Colombia (spent 2 months there) and adore both. I have friends in both countries. Are there other options? Sure. I hear Argentina is gorgeous and I am Italian so I would probably fit in really well there. But it's very far. I also hear Chile is stunning and the most "tranquil" of Latin countries. But again- no connection to it.
So it really looks like Mexico City or Bogota are my best bets.
Since I am on the Colombian forum...I have a bunch of Colombian questions! perhaps some of you amigos can illuminate me.
- I have been to Bogota and felt as safe there as I do in Downtown Brooklyn. But more generally.. how safe is the country overall? I can't put a finger on it. One one hand I read that drug production is at an all-time high. On the other hand I'm a staunch cynic of the US's portrayal of Latin America and feel like it's completely blown out of proportion- especially since I traveled all over Colombia for 2 months and felt totally safe. Am I naive?
- How do real estate prices compare with, say, New York City? Again, am I naive for thinking that I can find a really lovely property in an upscale area (eg Chapinero Alto) for, say, $300k? And Airbnb it to tourists when I am out of the country?
- What's life in Bogota like? I have to confess, the first week I was there I thought it was a remarkably unattractive city. The second week it looked completely different and I started to really love it. Never changed my opinion about a place so radically. Is it of comparable beauty and interest to other 2 major latin cities (Buenos Aires and Mexico City) ? And by the way... I just don't see myself in Medellin. It lacked depth/culture. Hard to explain- maybe it's the narcocultura that pervaded the air.
- To those who earn US dollars and live abroad, how did you deal with the whole taxation conundrum? Did you continue paying taxes in the US and also in Colombia?
- Does Colombia have health insurance?
- What type of Visa would I need to live part-time in the country?
- Is it unfeasible to invest in a property in Bogota, live half the year there and the other half in Los Angeles or NYC? Ironically my flight from Bogota to Los Angeles (where I'd hold film-related meetings) would be shorter than the current one from NYC to LA so distance really is relative.
- I remember a Colombian telling me that, objectively, he felt Mexico City was the capital of Latin America. I am curious to know if you guys agree. I absolutely fell in love with Colombia the country but ironically I felt that Bogota was the ugliest thing about it. I can't say the same about Mexico City.
Thank you so much for reading... excited to hear everyone's thoughts!