
settlement option like to get TRP,PR Qualification assesment

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Hi Guys,

I am from india,is there any fesible settlement option like to get TRP,PR by opening small business in germany

Also can some one share details how to do foreign qualification assesment,i know about anarbin website but its complicated required option
not seen



Please explain what you mean by "TRP,PR" - I have never seen that abbreviation before.
ANABIN is the official site for recognition of foreign degrees. Yes, it is not very intuitive, but there is no other option if you want official recognition. In many cases it is not required, so you might want to check with e.g. your employer or whoever else asks you about it.


beppi wrote:

Please explain what you mean by "TRP,PR" - I have never seen that abbreviation before.
ANABIN is the official site for recognition of foreign degrees. Yes, it is not very intuitive, but there is no other option if you want official recognition. In many cases it is not required, so you might want to check with e.g. your employer or whoever else asks you about it.

Have a look here Beppi > … 77#4341651


frombombay wrote:

Hi Guys,

I am from india,is there any fesible settlement option like to get TRP,PR by opening small business in germany

Also can some one share details how to do foreign qualification assesment,i know about anarbin website but its complicated required option
not seen


Following the link from SimCityAt below it shows what these initials should indicate. Maybe different terminology but I think Germany also wants to see a detailed business plan for a start up to determine if it is viable. But even in the Netherlands, one does NOT get these by opening a business, it's the other way around, one must get them before being allowed to open a business. It's like a requirement that one needs a driver's license to drive a car and then asking if one gets the license by driving...

And about anarbin, maybe the process is a bit complicated but that's the way it is. Why do people think there is always an easy way around requirements? If there were, then they would be meaningless.


Thanks TominStuttgart,beppi and simcityat for prompt and straightforward replies

TRP means temporary resident permit
PR - permanent residence

Actually i been to germany in the past and like this friendly and helpful nature of people
and better quality of life so plan to settle there,else finacially i am doing good
and working with TOP MNC so not looking from career prospective  but because i like
to live in this kind of environment

refer to anarbin actually i dont mind trying even if website is complicate
but problem is after first link it open other site which is always in german language
and after some efforts i translate ,it says there is option in top of page which should be used for proceeding,but that option is not there on website i tried many times
if some can guide which places to click or option to select will be great

like it mentioned ,but that option is not there
Click on "anabin database" at the top of the menu and then select the category "Institutions" on the left


Regarding TRP and PR, please read the visa section in the country guide (or another of the many good websites about Germany visa and residence permits). The situation is unfortunately not easily explained in a forum post and a lot depends on your personal circumstances, which we don't know.
If you have problems with the ANABIN webpage, I recommend you contact their technical team for help. German official webpages are of course mostly in German - what did you expect?


I am posting the page from the ANABIN website where you can contact them. But you are correct; their website doesn't really work properly! It describes what they do etc. but that one can check specific degrees from a particular country should be in a data-bank, or so they claim, but I find no link to this data-bank like the site claims. They have a disclaimer that their data-bank is not complete, so if you would not find the degree and institution of learning where it was issued, then you would have to contact them anyway. It seems like they would have a lot of extra work having to verify every inquiry without a working data-bank... I guess this is just proof that there is a shortage of competent IT people in Germany if such a site can be so poorly designed. By the way, one hears of German efficiency but the trains don't run on time any more either.

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