
Tax Id, "für welchen Zweck die IdNr benötigt wird"

Guest Poster459685


I am working in Berlin, did my Anmeldung, but received this letter from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. I need my tax ID for the German payroll.

I have a copy of my passport and my anmeldung, however, I am not sure what to write concerning the "für welchen Zweck die IdNr benötigt wird".

Can anyone provide me a small example template text?


See also

Income tax in GermanyIT Feelancing by registering partnership firm (Gbr)Tax advisor recommendations soughtWork without Tax ID/AnmeldungWork with Tax ID but without Anmeldung?
Guest Poster459685

Here's the text:

Zu Ihrer Person konnte in der IdNr-Datenbank anhand der von Ihnen mitgeteilten Informationen keine IdNr eindeutig ermittelt werden. Zur weiteren Prufung Ihrer Anfrage bitte ich Sie daher, mir unter Angable des Geschaftszeichens schriftlich mitzuteilen, für welchen Zweck die IdNr benötigt wird.


You should just send them the requested documents (if you are foreigner, your passport and the registration document) and mention the purpose for which you need the tax ID (employment).
No template is needed, but let a German friend check your wording!

Guest Poster459685

Thanks for the answer, I understood that part, but I am not sure about the wording. How do I put that the purpose of taxId is for German payroll.


You could write "Mein Arbeitgeber benötigt die Steuernummer zur Abführung der Lohnsteuer."


Everyone needs to get a tax identification number. At first glance it will appear silly they ask why you apply since they are the ones making the requirements that you get one! They ask the reason because the 11 digit IdNr (steuerlichen Identifikationsnummer) is used for income taxes but there can be additional numbers needed for value added taxes (Umsatzsteuer) for self-employed people, automobile taxes (Kraftzeugsteuer), inheritance and gift taxes (Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer) and real estate transfer tax (Grunderwerbsteuer). Thus they are verifying that you are getting the right type of tax number for the right purpose.

I would say you simply need to write in that you need it for your payroll income tax, (Lohnsteuer). Otherwise, they are simply asking for verification to who you are and that you are legally in Germany.

Here is a link to the English page of the German Tax Authority that gives information about the tax identification number. … _node.html

Guest Poster459685

Thanks to you both! Helps a lot.

Last question, do I need to put the name of my company? What does "Geschaftszeichen" mean in the letter?


"Geschäftszeichen' is the reference number of the tax authority - helps them to relate your letter to what happened previously.


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