
Is 3bis form required for Type D VISA (Dependent VISA for Spouse)


I am an Indian citizen working on Type B work permit.
My wife (in India) applied for her Type D VISA last week.
VFS told us that we also need to attach a copy of 3BIS form. When I contacted the local commune here in Brussels, they told me that 3bis is not required for Type D visa and it's a document required for Tourist VISA. The lady at the desk told me that expats working on Type B work permit are not eligible for 3bis  form.
We are really not sure whether is was required or not because we really don't trust VFS on this as they have mis guided us a lot initially for other documents as well as they have a very incompetent staff.
VFS told us that starting from December, 2018, 3bis is required for type D visa as well.
We couldn't find any notification regarding this online and couldn't find any circular on ibz website as well. Anyway, VFS accepted our application without 3bis when we told them that the commune has confirmed it's not required. Has anyone else been asked by VFS to attach a 3bis form for Type D visa ?

See also

Work permit in BelgiumVisas for BelgiumThe Working Holiday Visa for BelgiumL card with PHD periodLost job but single permit still valid

What your commune said is correct. 3bis is not required for D type visa appliction. If that has changed, VFS should be able to show you the official notification wihch you can then take to the commune and show them to prove that Belgian consulate now wants this document.

Hlo sir i am from India and my husband is from Belgium. My appointment is on 23rd August in vfs global. They have asked me for invitation letter but I am not getting letter d visa from Belgium. Sir, tell me what to do.
Vero DS
Hi Krinchal9,

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